Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist is getting some timely support in his challenge to Gov. Ron DeSantis.
The Florida Planned Parenthood PAC is spending “six figures” on a digital buy, which will be seen on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Google in both English and Spanish. The message: a vote for Crist is a vote to “keep our health care decisions ours.”
“Ron DeSantis wants to control your health care decisions,” the English-language narrator contends, noting the lack of exceptions to the ban of abortions past the 15th week of pregnancy under current law for victims of rape and incest.
Crist, meanwhile, “supports safe and legal abortion.”
“He will put Floridians’ health, safety, and needs first,” the ad contends.
The Crist campaign contends that the new digital spot is “just one component of the PAC’s aggressive grassroots electoral campaign that involves direct voter contact through door-to-door canvassing, phone banking, events, and mailings, along with paid digital ads to mobilize supporters throughout the state.”
“Voters recognize that determining whether to continue or end a pregnancy is a deeply personal decision,” said Laura Goodhue, Executive Director of the PAC. “Each person’s circumstances are unique, and these decisions should be left in the hands of patients and doctors — not politicians like Ron DeSantis.”
“Florida’s gubernatorial election comes at a critical time for our state,” Goodhue added. “Charlie Crist has proven that he will put patient health and safety first, rather than attacking our freedoms to score cheap political points.”
The Crist campaign notes that at least one poll is on its side, citing a University of North Florida survey that registered 60% opposition to HB 5, the bill that tightened restrictions from the previous law, which allowed exceptions and permitted the procedure until the 24th week of gestation.
The Planned Parenthood PAC buy is the second spot highlighting Crist’s abortion position in recent days.
“I trust the women of Florida, and you can trust me,” Crist asserted in a $1.4 million statewide ad buy.
The pro-abortion rights argument was litigated not just in English but also in Spanish by the Crist campaign last month, with the candidate and his running mate Karla Hernández making campaign stops hammering DeSantis for abortion restrictions.
Richard Bruce
October 6, 2022 at 12:41 pm
Crist will not give a statement on what restrictions, if any, he has on elective abortions. HIs silence makes one suspect he has not restrictions. He must be for elective abortions up to a moment before birth. Ghoulish.
October 6, 2022 at 2:10 pm
FACT: There are exactly 4 doctors in the USA who provide third trimester abortions.
FACT: Less than 1% of all USA performed abortions occur in the third trimester.
FACT: There is no such policy in the USA of an “ON DEMAND” third trimester abortion! One of the four doctors who perform the procedure determine the health of the woman, viability of fetus without a developed brain, or other extreme fetus abnormalities like no arms or legs.
FACT: The operating room is small. There is room for the patient, the doctor and the assistant. THERE IS NO ROOM FOR IGNORANT GOVERNMENT HACKS WHO HAVE NO UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE OR DEATH DECISIONS.
October 7, 2022 at 11:03 am
So only 4,700 third trimester babies were butchered last year. That makes you feel better?
Why do Democrats talk about rape and incest all the time when it comes to abortion? The number of abortions due to rape and incent is no more than 2% of all abortions.
Yes, the government can make decisions regarding the life and death of a living human being.
October 7, 2022 at 12:59 pm
Women are “living human beings”. You seem to be denying that.
Democrats, Independents, NPAs, and Republicans talk about rape and incest because they happen to women and girls. Even if it was only one woman or girl per year, she has the right to decide whether to carry her rapist’s fetus/child to term.
Most women who are raped want to start to try to put the event behind them as much as they are able. For most, if they are FORCED to have a child the rape and incest will always be with them–for the rest of their lives. And, no, it doesn’t just go away if they place the infant for adoption! It is immoral and sadistic to FORCE raped women and girls as young as eight years old to become mothers. Is this really what you believe should happen?
Those third trimester pregnancies were terminated to save the woman’s and/or the fetus’s life, or where a fetus is non-viable.They are not “on demand”. “On demand” and “until birth” are anti-abortionists’s attempts to smear all abortion. Read PeterH’s comment again.
And, No, the government does not have any moral right to insert itself into a woman’s body against her will, or make decisions regarding her life or death. Politicians don’t have the knowledge, and are causing deaths and harm to women, girls, and families. I’m sure you wouldn’t want one of your senators (mal)practicing medicine without a license on you.
Charlie Crist
October 6, 2022 at 1:46 pm
Trump supporters are walking advertisements for abortion. Elect me. I’ll keep it going.
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