The voice of former President Barack Obama will reach the phones of millions of Floridians this week to promote the Florida Democratic Party ahead of midterms.
The pre-recorded call comes as Floridians head to the polls for the first weekend of early voting. In the call, Obama relays to voters of the importance of this year’s election, urging Floridians to support Democrats up and down the ballot.
“Hello Florida. This is President Barack Obama calling on behalf of the Florida Democratic Party to remind you to vote in this election,” he states in the call. “Voting has already begun, so make a plan to vote early or return your vote by mail ballot as soon as possible.”
Obama hits on some of the key Democratic platforms for midterms, including abortion rights — an issue Democrats have honed in on since the overturn of Roe v. Wade in June.
“Don’t sit this one out, because everything we care about is on the ballot: Voting rights; a woman’s right to choose; building an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the very top; safety and economic well-being of our families,” he says. “That’s why we need Florida Democrats leading the way and it starts with you. So remind your friends and family to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.”
The robocall is part of a final push from Democrats to improve turnout with encouragement from Obama, who is in high demand in the closing stretch of this election.
Obama has recorded nearly two dozen television commercials for Democrats and the party’s campaign committees.
The message comes as the number of registered Republicans who have cast a ballot in the Sunshine State now exceeds that of Democrats. On Thursday morning, Republicans overtook Democrats, and the GOP has maintained its lead since.
While Republican voters typically outperform Democrats by the time Election Day wraps, it’s unusual to see that type of turnout 12 days out. That has been especially unusual after former President Donald Trump criticized mail-in voting as susceptible to fraud.
The shift has taken place since in-person early voting became available to most Florida voters. Leading into this week, Democrats still had an edge when all ballots received came through the mail.

But Republican officials continue to encourage voting by any method available legally in Florida.
Paul Passarelli
October 29, 2022 at 12:13 pm
Oooh! Ooooh! Can I sign up to hear the propagandist speak?
Of all of Obozo’s terrible negative characteristics, I have to give credit where credit is due. He has a pleasant voice. It’s too bad that what he uses it to say is so full of crap.
Joe Corsin
October 29, 2022 at 12:30 pm
He was one of the best presidents we ever had and you scoundrels and dirty rotten mongers disrespected him just to disrespect someone. Then put a far right mad man and crook in office? You people are a disgrace.
October 29, 2022 at 12:39 pm
LMAO, Joey undies got soiled.
Literally the most inconsequential presidency
JFK in 3 yrs more relevant.
Trumps no comparison.
His 8, invisible.
Joe Corsin
October 29, 2022 at 12:48 pm
Trump did nothing but sit on his balls and insult people for four years while the economy overheated. Tax breaks for himself and other Patrick Bateman psychos doesn’t count as an accomplishment. Empowering right wing terrorists and tax cheats isn’t an accomplishment either.
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 1:59 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
October 29, 2022 at 12:39 pm
LMAO, Joey undies got soiled.
Literally the most inconsequential presidency
JFK in 3 yrs more relevant.
Trumps no comparison.
His 8, invisible.
Joe Corsin
October 29, 2022 at 12:50 pm
Unfortunately for you, historians and 80 million other people don’t agree with that. Trump was an asshole and a confidence man. You don’t know your asshole from your puckered lips is the problem. Easily duped by the poor culture of the Orange Shlong.
October 29, 2022 at 1:13 pm
You are the epitome of shlong, ding dong. You are the most ignorant dummycrat on FP. I critique all, I know.
Obama excluding the medical care exchange did nothing. Known facts.
Go eat ice cream with alzie in Miami.
You and 10 others. Listen to him yell and lie. LMAO, Enjoy
Joe Corsin
October 29, 2022 at 3:02 pm
Spoken like a 7 year old troll. Seek help for your personality disorder and intellectual disability.
October 29, 2022 at 1:13 pm
You are the epitome of shlong, ding dong. You are the most ignorant dummycrat on FP. I critique all, I know.
Obama excluding the medical care exchange did nothing. Known facts.
Go eat ice cream with alzie in Miami.
You and 10 others. Listen to him yell and lie. LMAO, Enjoy
October 29, 2022 at 1:36 pm
Enlighten us Legend Tom, and regales use with Trump’s crowning achievements that weren’t the result of failure to plan (Operation Warp Speed Vaccine after dismantling Obama’s pandemic response playbook comes readily to mind – but it was a response to his wig being on fire)?
Joe Corsin
October 29, 2022 at 3:04 pm
I can remember them talking about ISIS recruiting disabled children to execute suicide attacks. Tom is the equivalent of the disabled bomber with Abu Bakr Al-Trump being the immortal snake oil salesmen to use a person in such fashion.
October 29, 2022 at 3:37 pm
Corsin you are despicable piece of filth! U mean ISIS, the JV team, per Obummer. 45 got rid of that, add that JD. Shut the hell up, scum bag corsin,
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:07 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
Joe Corsin
October 29, 2022 at 3:53 pm
You need medication and treatment for intellectual disability among other things. Otherwise, maybe you will get hurt.
James R. Miles
October 30, 2022 at 10:19 am
You got that right!!
October 29, 2022 at 3:33 pm
JD, my friendly opposition.
Was recently thinking of you, long time no message. Welcome in, you have abandoned me to the scurrilous, scoundrels. I always respect your positions.
Beauty is in the eye of he beholder. I gave ex 44 props on the health care, or better known as Obummer care. The rest of the 6 yrs was lost in emotion.
As for ex POTUS 45, his 4 yrs were meaningful. He didn’t have 8.
1. Middle East Peace treaties, 2 of them with Israel and Arabs.
2. Meaningful tax cuts for blue collar, middle class and working class! Per U S Treasury and IRS, low, middle income under $100,000 earned more and benefited greater than higher earned salary, those making greater $150,000 benefited less. Which brought the lowest unemployment ever, 3.3% by early 20, Before Covid, 100 yr pandemic. Btw, any working person under Obummer/Biden would tell you they earned less, no benefits.
3. Peace & prosperity, 4 yrs of no military action, or threats. We have Armageddon per the this “big guy” POTUS.
4. Set table with North Korea for dialogue. What has anyone eise done besides Dems paying off Kim Jung $$.
5. Ensured American independence from OPEC and oil cartels. Under 45 we were as independent as we have been in last 75 yrs on foreign oil. In contrast to this clown show Biden/Harris. Fairness, Obama did help move the ball on domestic production. Trump put it on steroids. Btw, Trump wanted to re stock the oil caverns at $25.00 a barrel, in 2019, and 20. Schumer,Pelosi refused.
I think that’s great contrast of his 4 compared to #44’s, 8. USA compared to 4 yrs ago, or even 2, yrs ago, not even close.
Lastly, I’ve revised my House and Senate, 30 to 35 House seats and up to 4 Senate for GOP,
Don’t be a stranger JD, always enjoy you. Especially compared to the likes of corsin, Tjb, offen, Haney, Morton, Bill, wanda, and Mary hooch. Yo name a few! Look forward to your dissertation reply. Regards, Tom
Elliott Offen
October 29, 2022 at 4:01 pm
1. Moving the Capitol to Jerusalem didn’t help peace and no solution has been achieved.
2. Tax cuts for Trump and his billionaire friends don’t help the middle class. Encourages hoarding and money doesn’t trickle down.
3. Peace my ass. He started a terrorist civil war here and incitement of hatred towards one another.
4. Kim flim flammed him. It was just a photo op.
5. There is no such thing as independence from other oil producing nations. Their oil factors in to the price of ours, and the pandemic sent demand into the toilet. Also inflation doesn’t happen just because one man gets out of a chair and another man sits down. Economy was overheating under Trump and he only sat on his balls and cheered.
He was a piece of sht period.
October 29, 2022 at 4:09 pm
Thanks for mentioning the embassy, I failed. Plus 2 separate peace agreements. No comparison.
Everyone was better off 2, 4 and even 8 yrs ago under Obummer, compared to Biden/Harris. You are clueless offen.
Elliott Offen
October 29, 2022 at 4:50 pm
“The embassy” was no accomplishment. It did literally nothing for anyone. Wiping my ass and calling it an accomplishment is actually more of an accomplishment.
October 29, 2022 at 4:09 pm
Thanks for mentioning the embassy, I failed. Plus 2 separate peace agreements. No comparison.
Everyone was better off 2, 4 and even 8 yrs ago under Obummer, compared to Biden/Harris. You are clueless offen.
October 29, 2022 at 4:09 pm
Thanks for mentioning the embassy, I failed. Plus 2 separate peace agreements. No comparison.
Everyone was better off 2, 4 and even 8 yrs ago under Obummer, compared to Biden/Harris. You are clueless offen.
Elliott Offen
October 29, 2022 at 4:54 pm
See there you said everything was better under Obama than it is under Biden. You totally took the subject off of Trump which was the right move… because the truth is that we lost 4 years of progress in America because of the orange charlatan. Much of what we see today is because he sat on his balls and did performance theater for 4 years.
October 29, 2022 at 7:10 pm
I am communicating with JD, not you.
I said things were better 8 yrs, 6 yrs, 4yrs ago, and 2 yrs ago. Economy 8 yrs ago was better, jobs picked up. Compared to now. In 17,18, 19 and into 20 the economy was very good, thanks to 45 and GOP. Less regs, tax cuts and with our domestic growth, we had a bottom up recovery,
Obama’s presidency was underwhelming besides hearth care.
To be clear again, I am in touch with JD, not you.
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:08 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
Elliott Offen
October 29, 2022 at 8:02 pm
Trump benefited from Obama’s economy…now we are feeling the impact of Trumps successes and failures. All the right wing propaganda aims to obscure these facts. Inflation doesn’t just happen because one man gets out of a chair and another man sits down.
October 29, 2022 at 9:00 pm
You are delusional.
Just a hater.
2015,16, economy got better.
His first 6 yrs not good.
Elliott Offen
October 29, 2022 at 9:20 pm
That’s because their was a crash due to Republican “deregulation” tendencies and at least not giving a sht about what Wall Street did. As usual we hear all this whining about how the Dems don’t clean up Republican messes fast enough. See won’t give the man credit but expect credit to be given to a derelict president who did nothing significant but fk everyone up. That’s not how it works.
Paul Passarelli
October 30, 2022 at 5:10 pm
@Phil Ammann, forgive me for being blunt, but if’ you are a moderator here on FP, you’ve completely dropped the ball for months.
There are a long list of Fake Aliases used here probably by one or two paid George Soros Trolls, that are the worst violators of anything resembling netiquette, common courtesy, or decency.
So unless you’re actually prepares to implement any of those moderation steps you’ve mentioned, your post is just hot air.
Watch, someone will say conversing with the moderator is a forbidden action and they’ll delete me for essentially pointing out the 800lb gorilla in the room.
There are a lot of participants here that your jump for joy if these items you posted were followed:
Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
Whaddya say?
Phil Ammann
October 30, 2022 at 2:06 pm
Please be civil and respectful. Florida Politics encourages debate and discussion in our comment section(s): Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
Paul Passarelli
October 30, 2022 at 5:11 pm
@Phil Ammann, forgive me for being blunt, but if’ you are a moderator here on FP, you’ve completely dropped the ball for months.
There are a long list of Fake Aliases used here probably by one or two paid George Soros Trolls, that are the worst violators of anything resembling netiquette, common courtesy, or decency.
So unless you’re actually prepares to implement any of those moderation steps you’ve mentioned, your post is just hot air.
Watch, someone will say conversing with the moderator is a forbidden action and they’ll delete me for essentially pointing out the 800lb gorilla in the room.
There are a lot of participants here that your jump for joy if these items you posted were followed:
Do not swear, use profanity, or otherwise inappropriate language on any FloridaPolitics.com post. Posting under another person’s name is also a violation of our rules. If any user continues to violate and/or does not maintain proper decorum, the account will be subject to additional moderation actions — up to and including a permanent ban. Derogatory language is not allowed, and if continued, will result in immediate removal/blockage without further warning.
Whaddya say?
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