President Joe Biden may have worked with Gov. Ron DeSantis after Hurricane Ian, but you wouldn’t know that from current rhetoric coming from the two sides.
A pool report from a reception for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Charlie Crist found an unfiltered Biden denouncing DeSantis in no uncertain terms.
“Charlie is running against Donald Trump incarnate. This guy doesn’t fit any of the categories I talked about. The way he deals, the way he denies,” Biden said, according to pool reporter Michael Wilner of McClatchy.
“I always say democracy is on the ballot. I really mean it,” Biden added.
“The rest of the world is looking at us, Charlie. They’re looking at us,” Biden said, adding that it “is really important that a state the size of Florida… comes down on the right side of history.”
Though DeSantis has returned to his campaign style rhetoric against Biden even at official press conferences, there was a time recently when the Governor would even tell Fox News interviewers that Biden was working well with him in the wake of the storm. But just as Biden and DeSantis’ political pause after the Surfside condo collapse was short-lived, apparently too was this post-hurricane armistice.
Biden is in Florida campaigning for Crist and Senate candidate Val Demings, and the remarks made at the home of Scott and Annie Schlesinger were delivered to roughly 70 guests, but could very well recur on the rally stage in Miami Gardens this evening when the President is bashing Florida Republicans.
Biden’s visit comes as Crist is facing an increasing deficit in polls of the race against the man he calls “Donald Trump incarnate.” The FiveThirtyEight average of polls shows DeSantis with a 10-point lead over Crist, a read borne out by the recent Florida Chamber survey and virtually every other credible poll of the race.
Concerned American
November 1, 2022 at 6:44 pm
Biden is calling DeSantis out for who he is…
Impeach Biden
November 2, 2022 at 5:35 am
Biden probably doesn’t even know who DeSantis is. He is a cripple without his teleprompter. You Dems seem to prefer brain dead’s that are manipulated by the person behind the curtain. Fetterman is the latest example of someone that has no business running for political office.
November 2, 2022 at 5:49 am
Yes Impeach.
Biden once again says his son, Beau who sadly died from brain cancer, now repeats and says he died in Iraq.
Lying Biden says we have 54 states.
Lying, He said gas was $5.00 when taking office, it was $2.36.
Lying, says inflation was 6.00% when sworn in.
Just lying, confused and mentally challenged. Really sad.
November 2, 2022 at 3:56 pm
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Elliott Offen
November 1, 2022 at 8:03 pm
Vote for Biden in 2024. Inflation in USA was all due to the economy overheating and Trump cheering it on. He could have put some contractionary fiscal policy on the table but he was a derelict. He did nothing but insult people and spew lies for four years. Like Obama, Biden will clean up the GOP messes and everyone will be great. Ignore the far right propaganda and don’t trust a thing coming from the GOP. They are liars and fear mongers. They do nothing for anyone.
Concerned American
November 1, 2022 at 8:05 pm
Agree 100%
Ligma Johnson
November 1, 2022 at 9:06 pm
Florida doesn’t need another dementia patient. Go eff yourself, Brandon.
Joe Corsin
November 1, 2022 at 9:36 pm
👆 Personality Disorder patient
November 2, 2022 at 12:13 pm
Yes you are Sybil, bout 12 personalities you have.
Biden 38% approval Florida, civiqs poll. FGOP best friend.
Obummer cut Medicare in Obama care, more Dem Dum lies!
Idiot! Enjoy loser Joey corsin.
November 2, 2022 at 12:13 pm
Yes you are Sybil, bout 12 personalities you have.
Biden 38% approval Florida, civiqs poll. FGOP best friend.
Obummer cut Medicare in Obama care, more Dem Dum lies!
Idiot! Enjoy loser Joey corsin.
Former Republican
November 2, 2022 at 12:46 pm
Doubting Thomas. Look forward to a crushing BLUE win
Expand SC justices + term limits
Limits on senators and house members
Codify roe
Codify gay marriage
Sanction trump that he can never run for high office
Increase as and Medicare to seniors
Reduce student debt
Build Americas infrastructure
Increase jobs
BOOM the economy that MAGA will die out over next decade
November 1, 2022 at 10:14 pm
Biden is lying.
Concerned American
November 1, 2022 at 10:17 pm
Trump lied over 30000 times as president . How’s saving your ass … sometimes from yourself. Think like your an evolved species . GOP has become the party of primitive thinkers
November 1, 2022 at 10:31 pm
A typical lowlife POS, aren’t thou
Enraged Floridian
November 2, 2022 at 9:57 am
Look at all the trashy Republicans on here. They always make fun of people. I guess there are more bullies in the world than we think. I agree that the following is like that of a cult. And very much like the people that followed hitler. The so called leadrs the GOP follows are authoritarian (being nice). Lets face it the GOP isnt the most intelligent or loving crowd. I think thats why trump said hed run as a Republican because the people were stupid. lol
November 2, 2022 at 12:17 am
Gonna be a huge GOP win here in a few days. We’re sick of all the whiny snowflakes in Florida. Let’s Go Brandon…
November 2, 2022 at 1:00 am
“Donald Trump incarnate” makes no sense if you read the definition of “incarnate.” I think I know what the President meant to say … maybe.
David in Shoreline
November 2, 2022 at 1:46 am
You may prefer the more traditional “Go To Hell” or the trendy new “Let’s Go Brandon” – it doesn’t matter. Both sentiments are 100% warranted.
Ron in Shoreline
November 2, 2022 at 10:09 am
David. Why are you so angry at the world? Better yet, when someone attempts to make fun of someoen else they are really talking about themselves and all the failures they feel. Failed relatsionships, failed career, failed life. Sound familiar doesnt it? You feel so bad that you will follow anyone you think is hearing you and is angry too! Like Desantis and Trump.
Concerned American
November 2, 2022 at 1:58 am
Typical primitive banter from trumps cult. You know hitler was able to get his following similiar to trump. Sad that there are still ignorant and primitive people
November 2, 2022 at 5:52 am
You lie, like Biden un concerned American. His lies specified above.
Mentally challenged like you.
Joey corsin corrupt, another fake alias.
Tom Jr
November 2, 2022 at 10:04 am
I am assuming you are a professional Phsyciatrist to be abel to diagnose people. I am sure life has been hard for you and blaming others seems the only plasible escape from reality. You failed. Gaslighing other people demonstrates your lack of intellect and the ability to process from a non-primal side. If you are not currrently getting help, there is help avaiable for you. You can start by loving yourself and being kind to others. It will prove itself beneficial in the long run.
November 2, 2022 at 10:34 am
Tom jr, don’t pass judgements upon others. Engage in the substance!!
Biden’s mental lack of accuracy and lies are very clear and spelled out.
Why don’t you rebut? You can’t!
Go have some ice cream and tacos with alzie Joe and Jill. You can shove the ice cream up the pie hole!
This man is a embarrassment to society! He lies and hallucinates bout things. Don’t attack me on the truth!
Everything above is truth! Shove the Biden ice cream up the pie hole.
Enjoy jr, un concerned, will and others. Facts are funny things!
Concerned American
November 2, 2022 at 10:42 am
The fact you said facts are funny things says it all. You don’t believe facts. Here is a fact. The Psychology profession has stated many times that trump has Narcissistic symbiosis and his followers have shared psychosis. Tom, So we understand your illness and hope you seek help
November 2, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Moron. U un concerned citizen alias, you have no balls as you hide under fake moniker! Just like Joey corsin. Don’t lecture me. Shove it up the Biden pie hole with ice cream!
Yes, I gave you facts about Biden. We are not discussing #45 potus. What don’t you understand?
Since you mention 45, we all were better off 2 yrs ago, 4 yrs ago and 6 yrs ago. Shut the hell up!
Facts are funny things! Biden is humiliating. He’s clueless as listed,
Just as you are clueless.
November 2, 2022 at 12:05 pm
Moron. U un concerned citizen alias, you have no balls as you hide under fake moniker! Just like Joey corsin. Don’t lecture me. Shove it up the Biden pie hole with ice cream!
Yes, I gave you facts about Biden. We are not discussing #45 potus. What don’t you understand?
Since you mention 45, we all were better off 2 yrs ago, 4 yrs ago and 6 yrs ago. Shut the hell up!
Facts are funny things! Biden is humiliating. He’s clueless as listed,
Just as you are clueless.
November 2, 2022 at 10:34 am
Tom jr, don’t pass judgements upon others. Engage in the substance!!
Biden’s mental lack of accuracy and lies are very clear and spelled out.
Why don’t you rebut? You can’t!
Go have some ice cream and tacos with alzie Joe and Jill. You can shove the ice cream up the pie hole!
This man is a embarrassment to society! He lies and hallucinates bout things. Don’t attack me on the truth!
Everything above is truth! Shove the Biden ice cream up the pie hole.
Enjoy jr, un concerned, will and others. Facts are funny things!
November 2, 2022 at 9:50 am
He who invokes Hitler into a discussion or argument usually loses.
November 2, 2022 at 10:07 am
Please provide examples where Hitler was a good person and was not an authoritarian. I know you dont want to be catagorized in the type of people that followed Hitler. But when your honest w yourself you may find peace.
November 2, 2022 at 8:33 pm
It used to be the wacky right that interjected Hitler into discourse. Nowadays, it’s the loony left. Both sides are more alike than different: authoritarians.
Concerned American
November 2, 2022 at 7:48 am
It amazes me how the GOP politicians. Ans it’s cult followers gaslights and thought is so primitive.
Concerned American
November 2, 2022 at 8:21 am
The GOP cult followers reminds us of how so many people followed hitler. They were unhappy w their own lives and followed evil. It’s very similar to other cult followings. Never a real solution.
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