Ron DeSantis is campaigning for President in South Carolina Friday with a stump speech includes mocking Joe Biden for “stumbling around.”
The Governor offered friendlier condolences the day before in New Hampshire, in the immediate wake of the President’s tumble at the Air Force Academy’s graduation ceremony, but went sharper with attacks in his Bluffton speech.
“So, you know, we saw the images yesterday of Biden stumbling around. And you know, honestly, you know, it’s a sad thing to see. You don’t want to see anyone do that,” DeSantis said.
The Governor then extended the metaphor between the President’s accident and national decline.
“But it was frustrating because honestly, that was symbolic of the state of our country. Our country continues to stub its toe. Our country continues to trip and fall. Our country continues to go in the wrong direction.”
The Governor addressed the issue in Manchester Thursday night, but did not lean into the attack, which was issued just before most live streams of the speech started.
“We hope and wish Joe Biden a swift recovery from any injuries he may have sustained, but we also wish the USA a swift recovery from the injuries it sustained because of Joe Biden and his policies,” DeSantis said to applause.
Though the visual of the President’s tumble on stage was concerning, White House Communications Director Ben Labolt says the President is fine after having tripped over a sandbag on stage.
DeSantis has had an oppositional relationship to the President with the exception of recovery efforts after the Surfside condo collapse and Hurricane Ian last year. But just as was the case when the President contracted COVID-19, DeSantis’ attacks got sharper as time passed from the initial incident.
“I want to wish the President a speedy recovery from COVID, and America a speedy recovery from Biden,” DeSantis quipped in July 2022 at the Turning Point USA Student Action Summit.
While the initial reaction and language were similar in both instances, DeSantis got more rhetorically interesting in the days after Biden’s previous COVID-19 diagnosis.
“We just saw Joe Biden test positive for COVID, right? And I’ve said we obviously wish him well on that, but you know, this is a guy that’s taken how many booster shots? I mean, seriously, (he’s) done all this stuff and gets it.”
Ron DeSantis wears High Heels
June 2, 2023 at 10:29 am
Earl Pitts American
June 2, 2023 at 10:56 am
Good morning America,
As I, Earl Pitts American, have advised in previous postings of my, Earl Pitts American’s, knowledge/wisdom drops, there is a clear and present danger for a man of God, such as the next POTUS, Ron Desantis, who is also a Republican, in regards to crossing into the borders of The State of South Carolina.
As you all know James Clyburn is ramping up his Satanic Voodoo rituals to once again controll the minds of South Carolina’s God fearing citizins and cloud their minds, with fart smelling devil vapors, in order to force them to once again vote against their interests and once again support which ever candidate the Democratic Party ends up running for 2024.
Clyburn, one of the elderly LBGTQ’s, in high political office, is hopefull they select another male to run, but reluctantly offered his Voodoo majic just incase it ends up being Michelle, provided he gets some nasty one on one with her hubby.
But anyway enough of the backstory, but keep in mind, my, Earl Pitts American’s, knowledge/wisdom drops are attracting thousands of new readers to this our benevolant host publication each and every day. So it would be irresponsable for me, Earl Pitts American, not to bring the newbees up to speed.
Anyway I, Earl Pitts American, have ordered Ron to ward off the pervasive fart smelling devil vapors of The Evil Lord Clyburn by wearing two necklaces of garlic under his business atire. Also I, Earl Pitts American, have advised Ron to have his entire entourage wear such double garlic necklaces. This is 100% guranteed to keep The Evil Lord Clyburn’s fart smelling devil Voodoo vapors at bay.
Keep in mind America, all major news outlets are totally aware of what The Evil Lord Clyburn is once again doing to influence the votes of South Carolina, but they lack the ginormas Big Bull BaIIs that I, Earl Pitts American, am blessed with. And they cower in fear of Clyburn.
You are welcome America,
Earl Pitts “Voodoo Buster” American
Earl Pitts American
June 2, 2023 at 11:37 am
Just a quick update for any reporters, military, set up crews of the press who are NOT dook 4 brains leftists:
The double necklace of Fresh From Florida garlic will also work to keep you safe also from Clyburn’s pervasive vapors.
BUT keep in mind the necklaces only are effective for 24 hours. My, Earl Pitts American’s, advice is for all of you is to cross over the S. Carolina Border into ANY border state right after Ron’s event. And under no circumstances remain in S. Carolina over night. GET OUT. The pervasive fart smell Voodoo vapors may be extra strong that night.
I, Earl Pitts American, dont care if that cute reporter from CNN wants you to come up to her/his/they/thems hotel room. GET OUT.
Another Pro Tip: watch The Weather Channel to determine which direction the prevaling winds are coming FROM and drive, fly, walk, or run into the prevaling wind. The wind should be blowing into your face.
As you can see this is all critical safety advice on The Real Real, No Joke Jack!
Get in, Get out, God Speed,
Earl Pitts American
Elliott Offen
June 3, 2023 at 11:57 am
Nobody reading your stupidity you clown. Go back to Mike Lindell and Alex Jones website.
June 2, 2023 at 11:07 am
Another DeSantis cheap shot!
13,000,000 jobs created since Biden took office. Unemployment stands at 3.7% and African American unemployment is at it’s lowest point in history.
Mr. Haney
June 2, 2023 at 11:26 am
DeSantis is a coward.
Jesus H. Christ
June 2, 2023 at 12:24 pm
Nothing Christian about mocking people, Ron.
June 2, 2023 at 1:18 pm
You’d think he’d play nice for now just in case he falls on his fat a$$ sometime soon. Oh well, to quote Cypress Hill, the boy’s insane, he got no brain.
Marlene Newman
June 2, 2023 at 1:55 pm
The difference is that Biden got up and made a joke about it. Pouty Pudding Boy is incapable of making light of such things, let alone effectively simulating any positive human reaction.
June 2, 2023 at 2:46 pm
Classless is what DeSantis and his advisors are…I tripped on an uneven sidewalk and down I went…it can happen to anyone…including Ron DeSantis!! Show a little empathy and class…oh wait…not in their vocabulary.
A Random Guest
June 3, 2023 at 5:21 am
What goes around, comes around.
Playground bully Ronnie will find out the hard way.
Jeanne Locke
June 3, 2023 at 8:05 am
DeSantis is getting more desperate. We don’t need another bully to embarrass the country
Ed's Marxist Twin Brother 👍
June 3, 2023 at 12:01 pm
If he thinks that Joe Biden falling is a representation of how the country is doing..I’d hate to see what he says about the January the 6th super massive terrorist attack on Congress. He barely said a thing. That’s why he won’t be president. Big hypocrite… and came up on Orange Hitler’s epic meltdown and train wreck.
June 3, 2023 at 7:58 pm
You stay classy, Lil Ronnie.
June 4, 2023 at 12:11 pm
If Johnny Cash were still alive, he would have a great hit with “Tumblin’, stumblin” Joe”
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