Orlando Police have announced the raid of a home belonging to a city leader resulted in four arrests. That follows years of complaints from Lake Davis residents concerned the Greenwood Street home was a drug den.
Randall Healy Clark was arrested on Friday, July 21, after police stopped him in traffic and arrested him on an active warrant for trafficking methamphetamines. Detectives found 125 grams of meth in his vehicle, according to police. Patricia Fredrick, a passenger in Clark’s vehicle, was also arrested for possessing a gram of fentanyl.
Following the arrest, the SWAT team raided the home where Clark lived. That’s a Greenwood Street home owned by his mother, Jane Healy, a former managing editor for the Orlando Sentinel and Co-Chair of the Tourist Development Tax Advisory Committee in Orange County.
Healy was not arrested, but told the Orlando Sentinel she was briefly placed in handcuffs during the raid.
“I don’t know why they keep doing this,” Healy told the newspaper. “They have other ways of getting someone if they thought someone was here using drugs besides a full-on raid.”
Orlando Police said detectives found another 25 grams of meth, a gram of cocaine, 14 grams of GHB, 200 grams of unidentified pills and live ammunition. Two individuals at the home were arrested. Deborah Rogers was taken in on charges of possession of meth with intent to sell and possession of ammunition by a convicted felon. Audriana Gardner was also arrested on a Seminole County warrant for failure to appear.
Police did not say Healy had been arrested on any charges, despite images posted by neighbors in Instagram that appear to show Healy taken away in handcuffs. The same set of social media pictures appears to show other men in custody at the scene but no arrests have been made for any male suspects besides Clark.
“This is an ongoing active investigation, and more arrests are potentially forthcoming,” reads a release from Orlando Police
“In addition to the criminal investigation, this case has been submitted to the City Prosecutor’s Office to determine the viability of it proceeding under the criminal nuisance abatement ordinance.”
Of note, Clark also was arrested after a raid on the home less than 18 months ago. But 9th Judicial Circuit State Attorney Monique Worrell’s Office declined to prosecute at the time.
“From the investigation which has been made, it is the opinion of the writer that this case is not suitable for prosecution,” wrote Assistant State Attorney Aseye Akos Ablordeppey.
In that instance, Clark was arrested after police stopped him based on a passenger looking like a woman with an active warrant. But his passenger turned out to be another individual.
Orlando Police say this is simply the latest in a series of actions involving the Greenwood Street property. Since 2018, the agency said there have been 26 arrests associated with the home, during which three narcotics warrants were served and three knock and talk investigations were conducted.
Police have seized a stolen car and three stolen motorcycles from the property in that time, officials said. The collective drugs seized at the home include 405 grams of crystal meth, nine grams of fentanyl or heroin, two grams of cocaine, 125 grams of marijuana and 50 grams of GHB.
Jealous Jacob The Pulitzerless
July 24, 2023 at 8:15 pm
Pulitzer Prize-winner Jane Healy?
Long career (35 years) at the Orlando Sentinel Jane Healy?
Get the toast, Jacob brought the jelly.
Anthony John capone
July 26, 2023 at 1:27 pm
Dump trump that rich money mafioso monster real estate ticoon is fit to be nothing but a boss of k.k.k. were he goes for votes n rallies dame America u elected a man that accepts a vote from hate group put that mobster in charge of our nation four years n think he’s got to run again if u cle Ron ain’t in white house burn it down n put Ariana grande or her dad in charge of America at least we can sing good song n have l co co legal n o whole at bring back brothels n whore house ok stop pimps from ruining women n make all narcotics legal .ok cause after u locked frank lucus u tho k army stop smuggling drugs into our nation n coast in 1995 half diet coke in USA was from corrupt coast guard n o ya my dump truck had 100 keysof diet coke n 11 trucks passenger seats four dufful bags each one ok.04/02 2004 n ya army national guard sent my god father Columbia 35 times in early weld those submarines soo we can load m full bricks of soda pop o ya baby vanilla cokea.o. Im jack ping meds ying ying n last coke Cain cowboy left alive hooooaaa aka jack frost kid frost n o yaa baby frosty snow man retired not expired not a felon hooooaaa n fifty told me too do it .ok I saw his movie GET RIch or Die trying .ok stop making the corrupt government n military leaders rich n arrest all us for try have a better life ok u o sourced all factory to Mexico paid them slave wages to make our auto mobiles n left nothing for blue colour man n women too do but steal ,hustle dope .commit non violent crimes .n u u hooked half nation on coke n smoke n acid n spent 20 yrs in Afghanistan so load ware houses of opium to make designer dope pills n we had a pill mill in south Florida for over ten yrs of pain management doctors given ox n rox out like m m s n the coke price is way to high now please legalize cocaine congress n get it available at gas stations ok. Geez just st don’t cut it with fentanyl ok. Can please let grow our own weed america 300 bucks for THC card 150 re new come on now mobster government just pull trump in charge n we can all call women whores n have on there knees .he said on t.v. n u elected a rapist n buddy of Epstein n n billy dog Clinton not a sex addict ok he just stuffs cigars in Monica n u no he never in haled nothing but little boys n girls in Costa Rica ware all congress n Senate retire to get there 350000 a year pensions n can hump all ten yr old girls they want y can’t we all see survivance taps that’s Epstein had in virgin island n all his goon squad of touches n million molesters just come b honest we shud lower age of consent to 14 they can serve alcohol in Wisconsin come on u dame cheese heads r so sick ok no Arron Rogers left for NJ jets .ok buy from command special last major n caption save a ho sanders n leader of E-4 mafia for life essas n pen daa hoos o my twin is captain save a ho ok
Anthony John capone
July 26, 2023 at 1:32 pm
I’m in regal again it’s all gonna be legal agais no ever dudpectn .u need people like me to point finger at n hope
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