The Republican Party of Florida confirmed both Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump will attend a November event.
The rivals for the Republican nomination for President both confirmed their attendance at the Florida Freedom Summit on Nov. 4. The event takes place at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Kissimmee.
In confirming both Florida men will attend the event, RPOF Chair Christian Ziegler teased that the list of marquis guests could grow.
“All Republican presidential candidates have been invited to attend and their attendance will be announced shortly,” Ziegler wrote in an email to party members. “The Freedom Summit will also feature other top Republican and Conservative leaders.
“I look forward to joining you for a day of celebrating Florida Freedom with a packed agenda of speeches, panels, featured events, and much more.”
The announcement came days after the state party’s annual Statesman’s Dinner for the state party that notably lacked either Trump or DeSantis from its speaker list. Rather, pundit Ben Shapiro delivered a keynote address there.
But the November event now boasts the high-level draws for attendees and donors.
Trump has held a substantial lead in polls all year among contenders for the nomination.
He notably has declined to participate in any of the Republican Primary presidential debates to date.
Trump was the first to announce his candidacy, shortly after the Midterm Elections in November. DeSantis, meanwhile, has established himself as the most consistent alternative to Trump since announcing his candidacy in May. He has consistently polled in second place behind only Trump.
But increasingly, other candidates have also started to occasionally poll ahead of DeSantis, at least for periods of time. That includes businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who enjoyed a bump after the first Republican presidential debate, and Nikki Haley, who leads DeSantis in South Carolina where she previously served as Governor in one recent poll. The same survey shows U.S. Sen. Tim Scott, a sitting South Carolina Senator, just a percentage point behind the Florida Governor in the Palmetto State.
My Take
September 25, 2023 at 9:51 pm
Republicans are for freedom like the various Democratic Peoples Republics are democracies.
Earl Pitts "New Earl" American
September 26, 2023 at 2:59 am
Good mornting America,
Its still too early in the election cycle for me, Earl Pitts American, to advise Trump to withdraw from the race and give his supporters to Desantis.
I’m going to allow the left to continue thinking that they have a chance by the “Never Trumpers” RINO voters swinging to the left in the voting booth. Besides we cant give the left too much reaction time.
*Bonus Side-bar on what its like to be Earl.*
(Below America is a facinating peep into just what the job of Political Advisor entails.
You have to think ahead and anticapate the unthinkable happening. Especially with a former philander like Donald).
In keeping true to my role as “Political Advisor” to both candidates I, River-Boat-Gambler, Earl Pitts American, would not have choosen a resort with a homer testical sounding name like “GayLord Resort” to pull the rug out from under the left and all their Dook 4 Brains supporters in the first place. I mean what if the press catches my candidates hoisting up a Bud Lite at The GayLord?
I will advise both of my candidates, Don and Ron not to speak to any speedo wearing GayLord’s prancing and flouncing about out by the pool. Also as a great political advisor I, Earl Pitts American, will inform both Ron and Don that those friendly ladies down at the bar likely are packing a “johnson down there” if you know what I mean.
As America’s premier political advisor its important to cover all the bases with my clients, Don and Ron.
Just as a precaution I better make sure their wives are both there to ward off any of those GayLords in dresses as I smell a trap.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Rick Whitaker
September 26, 2023 at 6:18 am
very homophobic answer billy. edward gaylord bought the grand ol’ opera. are you implying that the grand ol’ opera is for lgbqt people? don’t bother responding, it will be nonsense. bye billy boy
Rick Whitaker
September 26, 2023 at 6:19 am
very homophobic answer billy. edward gaylord bought the grand ol’ opera. are you implying that the grand ol’ opera is for lgbqt people? don’t bother responding, it will be nonsense. bye billy boy
waked all up right on
September 26, 2023 at 8:20 am
oh, I’m soooo excited to hear that two sociopaths will be attending the “freedumb” “cockus” ! I’m sure that there will be plenty of “made in china” swag available for the griftees to buy. I will definitely not be anywhere near that shitshow. Happy to hear that some folks believe that the name of the venue implies some sort of support for diversity and freedom of expression!
Democrats are Tools
September 26, 2023 at 10:20 am
They wanted to invite Biden, but one of the requirements is the ability to form a complete, coherent sentence, so he was ineligible.
Rick Whitaker
September 26, 2023 at 9:50 pm
that’s nonsense, biden wouldn’t think about attending a right wing hate and fear fest. biden is doing well in all respects ,so i don’t know what your talking about. that right wing grievance media i suspect you thrive on is toxic, be careful after biden gets elected and washes the maga stench off this country, you will still be a hater.
Vegan Mom
September 27, 2023 at 7:03 pm
You must be the only America alive that has not been affected by this disaster this man sitting in our White House has caused on this country. Our country is a complete mess and currently getting worse by the day as borders are invaded by 10k illegals day. SMH
My Take
September 26, 2023 at 10:46 am
While the Republicants may often construct sentencès that are grammatically complete, if here and there incorrect, if one can make out some discernible meaning it is nonsense or a lie.
Sonja Fitch
September 27, 2023 at 4:20 am
Lol. “freedom “. As if
Pastor Pasta
September 27, 2023 at 11:54 am
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
GOP fully embracing Orwellian Doublespeak
Rick Whitaker
September 27, 2023 at 8:24 pm
reply to vegan mom . biden is good . you are a maga cult person so you have swallowed the lies of the fanatic right wing. i can’t help you understand that you are wrong. maga has stopped any discussion of solutions to the border issue. they use it to create fear in naturally fearful people. if the issue was resolved, they would go to another boogeyman issue to scare people with. if they were honest, nobody would vote for them except for the donors and super rich they serve. you have been conned. the “big mess” i see is maga lying about almost everything. i had to close my business i had for 30 years because i couldn’t find any workers. i also paid my employees more than my competitors did. we need workers bad.. you are probably a racist and fear anybody that don’t look like you. how christian of you. i’m a vegetarian of more than 50 years and my wife has been a vegetarian for 70 years my kids are vegetarians also. calling yourself a vegan mom is an insult to us woke vegetarians . our country is a mess because of maga cult people that thrive on useless grievances’ wake up and smell the tofu
October 4, 2023 at 5:39 pm
Additionally, in Duval, County, half the children cannot read at grade level! Why is this? They certainly know all about sex and gender though! This is been the liberal plan for many years! Dumb down the population & make them slaves to big government!
October 4, 2023 at 5:50 pm
I was a liberal, actually, a bleeding, heart liberal when liberal meant equal opportunity! When educating the children to read and write and spell to prepare for the future was important! When giving minorities an opportunity to educate themselves, to get out of the ghetto was a cause to fight for! The lying liberal left has dumbed the population down so badly that they all think they are entitled to what everyone else works for! The ghettos have become larger
spawning more criminals who believe they are owed something!
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