Former President Donald Trump is the last candidate standing in the Republican race for President. Yet the presumptive GOP nominee is still dealing with protest votes for former opponents who have long since suspended their campaigns, a trend noticed by the Trump antagonists at the Lincoln Project.
Their latest ad, billed as part of the Project’s “Audience of One” series, contends that Trump is “bleeding money and supporters, losing voters to candidates not even in the race” and is “weak, tired, running out of options.”
The 60-second spot includes a breathy female narrator noting that Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis say they’re “out of the race” and that they “dragged (Trump) publicly.”
“They keep winning votes in the Primaries without even trying,” the narration notes. “Their voters just don’t like you.”
A spokesperson for the Lincoln Project said the “ad speaks directly to Trump and is meant to get right into his head.”
Florida, where the Primary happened weeks after other candidates cleared the field (yet were still on the ballot), illustrates the remnant of Republican protest votes.
Trump won the state with 81% of the vote, with Haley grabbing 14% and DeSantis, who left the race between the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary, garnering another 4%. No other candidate got more than 1%.
Upon leaving the race, DeSantis said “a majority of Republican Primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance.”
To help that decision along, the state party endorsed Trump weeks before voters got a chance to weigh in.
DeSantis downplayed the protest votes for Haley after last month’s Primary, saying “Haley was a candidate when mail ballots went out,” and that “people sent in mail ballots who maybe didn’t want Trump.”
However, those protest votes continue to happen for dead campaigns in other states as well.
And if you buy the Lincoln Project’s ad, that could hurt the former President in November.
You're all alone, Donald. You’re bleeding money and supporters, losing voters to candidates not even in the race. They all know you’re weak, tired, running out of options… and no one wants to help. pic.twitter.com/miu094FsiU
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) April 1, 2024
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
April 1, 2024 at 2:12 pm
Unbelievable America,
The Dook 4 Brains “Stinkin Projecr” is still “Squeezing Out” yet another stinker turd of a “get Trump story.
I, Earl Pitts American, am rallying up a lot of support in me Sage Push to permintally change the name of The Democrat Party to the more appropriate discriptave name of “THE DOOK-A-CRAT PARTY”.
Thank you Sage Patriots,
Earl Pitts “NOT A DOOKACRAT” American
rick whitaker
April 1, 2024 at 2:16 pm
rick whitaker
April 1, 2024 at 2:16 pm
i’m hoping that for the next few months, people of all persuasions politicly, will start to anticipate a weekly lincoln project ad, and that that will become a national pastime right up to election day.
Hung Wiil
April 3, 2024 at 2:10 pm
What a delusional story about a delusional organization. Fact is, the same number of people are voting against Biden in the Dem primary, but they are voting for air instead of Biden which a pledge for uncommitted. That is worse, in fact, than voting for an actual living person. Ools.
April 1, 2024 at 2:18 pm
Meanwhile Trump just became an octo-billionaire again, is the guaranteed Rep. nominee and likely next president and RFK Jr. Is getting ready to slip Biden a torpedo where even HE will notice it. And you’re on about the Lincoln Project. These are serious times for America and they demand serious journalism. This ain’t it.
rick whitaker
April 1, 2024 at 2:29 pm
twumpy, hello earl you god damn fool. these fake post of yours are so pathetic. if by chance you are not earl, what’s your point? it seems that the lincoln project is really getting to the maga cultist real bad. now that’s great!
April 1, 2024 at 6:54 pm
There are knowledgable observers of the American markets who believe DJT’s stock will decline after the initial euphoria of the public offering. And, they look for it to fall to $2 a share and then a bankruptcy. (Trump knows all about bankruptcy and all about leaving others holding the bag. Caveat emptor.)
April 1, 2024 at 8:59 pm
Today’s headlines say the Great Donald already lost a billion dollars in value as the market gets more familiar with a company that made only $4 million last year.
April 2, 2024 at 10:51 am
A company that lost $58 million last year.
Truth made $4 million, lost $58 million in 2023. Whose money was that, anyway? We know Trump’s money went for legal bills.
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
April 1, 2024 at 7:37 pm
Welcome Twumpy,
We welcome yet another Patriot commenter here at this predominatly lefty commenting on line host.
We are building to a 50/50 goal of Sage Patriots/Dook 4 Brains Leftys which will increase readership aproximently by 75% allowing our Sage Host, Peter, to take on even more high paying advertizment and other financial support for Florida Politics, the Greatest Political Reporting Orginazation On The Planet. And if theres a political reporting entity on Mars we are better than them.
Thank you Sage Twumpy Welcome Aboard,
Earl Pitts American
April 2, 2024 at 5:28 pm
If you want an editorial, go read the New York Times. This is a trade publication you get to read for free, and this reporter just reports straight and to the point, leaving others to squabble their opinions. That’s how it should be and it’s all too rare.
April 1, 2024 at 3:04 pm
Biden lost votes to no one. That means people in his own party would rather vote for an empty suit that vote for Brandon.
April 1, 2024 at 6:23 pm
There’s a sucker born every minute, and all too many of them have grown up to vote for and financially aid the Biggest Con of Our Times, DJT.
And if he loses in Nov., has planted the seeds among the violent minority in his camp to Boogaloo.
April 2, 2024 at 8:11 pm
Trump brought back the ’empty chair” once used by McCain when he wanted to make points against Obama’s Syrian foreign policy, Now Trump is using it to act out his urgent — URGENT — need to debate Biden.
One debate Trump participated in during the 2016 campaign had him standing behind Hilary and walking around like, what, the doofus he really is? Or, was he trying to unnerve her, looking at her butt? One thing’s for sure: Biden won’t ignore such gross behavior.
No more red
April 1, 2024 at 9:19 pm
No more MAGAt idiots! We can help your backwards single digit IQ bud light drinking kid rock listening Rhonda supporting asses pack and get out of our state of Florida. Make Florida great again by turning it blue!
Sally B
April 3, 2024 at 1:57 pm
Keep dreaming blue. Once considered a purple state when Democrats had a significant voter registration advantage over Republicans, times have changed and changed significantly. Once DeSantis was elected Governor and re-elected by the greatest landslide in the history of modern Florida politics, Florida has turned ruby red with voter registration advantage over Democrats by nearly a million and counting. If you don’t like Florida, there’s always Commiefornia, which is hemorrhaging people to states, such as Florida, et al.
April 3, 2024 at 4:39 pm
You all scared because you know Florida is in play for the first time in years.
With the recreational pot (which will attract the GenX and Millennials to vote and they’ll vote blue). And the women are upset about Roe and the 6-week ban will vote Blue. You done pissed off too many. Sleep in the bed.
3.5M NPA’s are still more than enough to turn it purple for 2024 and it buys time to turn it blue with money and registration campaigns for 2026.
DickSantis’ landslide was a fluke in time – a pissed electorate he pandered to in a once in a 100-year pandemic. Good luck getting that travesty again to political football on.
With the migration stats starting to reverse those registration numbers and are already starting to trend down 100K ( for the migration 2021, and 2023 saw 700,000 immigrate here but then 500,000 leave in 2023 – lets see who gets that victory lap in 2024). Your “lets move to Florida for the FreeDUMs” are leaving because it’s too f*cking expensive on housing and insurance.
Enjoy the coming purple wave in 2024 and the blue on in 2026 in Florida. The MAGAts and wanna-be MAGAts should not have over played their hand.
Hung Wiil
April 3, 2024 at 8:47 pm
Wrong again, JD.
Florida is not in play, and DJT has a 12.9% polling average lead in Florida. You lose.
April 4, 2024 at 4:42 am
Dear “Not so” Hung Wiil,
Florida must be in play for you to respond. Remember it’s 7 months until the election, Trump’s comparatively broke to Biden, and we’ve seen your supposed “12.9% average lead” be really a significant drop on Trump’s favorable polling in Florida.
And since we’ve broached that subject, why don’t we take a gander at the recent polls, it’s dropped to around 6.5% lead – more than 6 points down from December. Shill some more “Lying with statistics”.
So yes. Yes, Florida is very much in play. And I reiterate – it might be a “purple November”, it sets the stage for a “Blue” 2026.
And you want to know another indicator that shows the GOP knows they overplayed? They are starting to back off some of the more extreme theater they posed pre-primary (except the stupid ones doubling down or from districts with easily fooled constituents).
The Democrats just need to keep that GOP theater alive in the minds of the moderates and NPA to get someone in that will govern “for the people”.
Rick Whitaker
April 4, 2024 at 2:57 pm
HUNG, so if you think my post is delusional, then i must have hit a nerve. you dislike the LP because they make you doubt yourself and you don’t feel comfortable with the truth. because you hang on to lies to make you get along, you are not willing to listen to the truth. you are like many maga cultist, you are delusional. good luck with that weak shit.
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