Senate President-designate Ben Albritton has his choices for Senate Appropriations Committee Chairs lined up.
The incoming head of the Senate has already selected Sen. Ed Hooper to lead the main Senate Appropriations Committee. Now, Albritton has decided on heads of the siloed committees.
“Leading an Appropriations Committee is a significant, demanding responsibility. I have asked the following Senators to serve as Chairs of our Senate Appropriations Committees,” Albritton said in a Wednesday memo announcing the moves.
“Each of these appointments represents a substantial position of trust and authority. I’m grateful to each Senator listed below for agreeing to step into a key leadership position. Along with Chair Hooper, I know they will work hard to ensure all of your voices and those of your constituents are reflected in where we prioritize the limited taxpayer dollars we are entrusted with.”
Sen. Gayle Harrell will chair the Appropriations Committee on Higher Education.
“Sen. Harrell is our longest-serving legislator, with years of institutional knowledge gained through service in the House and Senate,” Albritton said.
“She knows what it took to get our colleges and universities to the top and what it will take to keep them there. We’ve made historic investments in our higher education system, and we need to continue to look for ways to advance research and produce the skilled workforce our growing state will demand. Sen. Harrell has the experience to ensure our higher education system produces the outcomes our state and students deserve.”
Sen. Danny Burgess will serve the same role on the Pre-K-12 Education Appropriations Committee.
“As a fellow homeschool parent, I know he highly values parental rights in education,” Albritton said of Burgess.
“He will work hard to balance our resources to ensure parents can make the best decisions for their children’s education, whether in one of our amazing neighborhood public schools, a faith-based private school, or a customized homeschool program. Preparing our students for a lifetime of success is paramount. This is a mission Sen. Burgess can effectively lead.”
Outside of education, Sen. Jason Brodeur will continue leading the Appropriations Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government.
“He shares my passion for reform and vision for continued investment in these areas, which I chaired in both the House and the Senate,” Albritton added of Brodeur.
“Florida’s food supply and clean water infrastructure are critically important as our state continues to grow. Likewise, Floridians expect the nuts and bolts of state government agencies to run efficiently and effectively. I know I can count on Sen. Brodeur to lead the Senate efforts in these key areas.”
Sen. Ileana Garcia will oversee the Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice.
“Without law and order, nothing else we do matters. Sen. Garcia is a passionate advocate for law enforcement and will work hard to make certain our law enforcement agencies and judicial system have the resources they need to keep Floridians safe,” Albritton explained.
“Likewise, we have made progress in recent years to improve the conditions of our prisons, enhancing safety for our corrections officers and the inmates they guard. If we believe all human life is valuable, that includes those paying their debts to society. We have work to do in this area of the budget, and I know Sen. Garcia is the right person for the job.”
Moving to the Health Care realm, Sen. Jay Trumbull will serve as Chair of the Appropriations Committee on Health and Human Services.
“If you don’t have your health, it’s hard to focus on anything else,” Albritton said.
“Under the leadership of President (Katheleen) Passidomo, Sen. Harrell, and Sen. (Colleen) Burton, we made significant strides in growing our health care workforce and invested in technologies that increase access and help reduce costs through the passage and ongoing implementation of Live Healthy. Sen. Trumbull is a thoughtful and innovative leader who will work diligently to make certain our state investments in the health of Floridians are achieving better outcomes.”
Sen. Nick DiCeglie will lead the Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development.
“As our state continues to grow, our infrastructure is the foundation for thriving communities and businesses,” Albritton said.
“Over the last few years, we have made historic investments in Florida’s transportation infrastructure, and it is important we keep up the momentum. Sen. DiCeglie has the experience to thoroughly review the investments the state makes to grow our economy. Additionally, I saw firsthand the devastation the recent hurricanes caused Sen. DiCeglie’s community, including his own home. As we work to recover and rebuild, he will be a strong advocate for those impacted as well as ensuring the state is prepared for future storms.”
And Sen. Bryan Ávila will be the highest-ranking member on the Committee on Finance and Tax.
“There is no question inflation has significantly impacted families across our state. We see it in obvious places like the grocery store, and we feel it as increased costs for labor and goods drive up prices for routine services like an oil change or a haircut,” Albritton added.
“Over the last few years, Florida has responded with historic tax relief designed to reduce the cost of raising a family, starting a business, or retiring with dignity. Sen. Ávila will be a strong leader for the Senate as we evaluate new opportunities to return hard-earned tax dollars to Floridians.”