Pam Bondi likely won’t be confirmed as Attorney General before February. Here’s why
Pam Bondi's path to Attorney General delayed as Senate Democrats place a hold on her confirmation. Image via AP.

Democrats are using holds to delay quick votes on the Cabinet nominee.

The Senate may have to wait until the first week of February to confirm Pam Bondi as Attorney General.

A Senate Judiciary Committee meeting was canceled Wednesday after the Democratic Minority Office placed a hold on Bondi’s confirmation. That’s a common legislative tactic on the committee to delay votes on nominations, but can only stave off meetings for a week.

Democrats will likely continue to review Bondi’s background in the meantime, but another meeting is expected to take place Jan. 29.

At that point, the committee is expected to recommend Bondi’s confirmation in a floor vote. Republicans hold a Senate majority and Republicans outnumber Democrats on the committee, 12 to 10.

No Republican Senators have publicly leveled criticism at Bondi, a different response than was directed at President Donald Trump’s first pick for the job, former U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz. Ultimately, Gaetz withdrew from consideration early in the confirmation process.

Democrats have challenged Bondi, whom Trump nominated in November. In a confirmation hearing last week, Democrats questioned the former Florida Attorney General on potential conflicts of interest from her lobbying career, potential loyalty to Trump over the Constitution, and most pointedly, her representation of Trump when he challenged the outcome of the 2020 election.

The Majority Office for the Committee notably issued a point-by-point counter of those critiques with quotes from Bondi in the hearing.

All this points to a likely positive recommendation from the committee when Bondi’s nomination heads to the floor. But Democrats again can stall the process. A day after a committee vote, Majority Leader John Thune can bring her confirmation to the floor, but must negotiate an agreement with Democrats on time for debate.

That likely means any floor vote will be delayed until Feb. 4 or 5, according to officials close to the process. At that point, both sides will debate Bondi’s pros and cons.

The process is not unusual, officials said, and is a likely model that many of Trump’s nominations will follow. That’s different from the glide path enjoyed by fellow Floridian Marco Rubio, who was a member of the Senate until his unanimous confirmation this week as Secretary of State.

Jacob Ogles

Jacob Ogles has covered politics in Florida since 2000 for regional outlets including SRQ Magazine in Sarasota, The News-Press in Fort Myers and The Daily Commercial in Leesburg. His work has appeared nationally in The Advocate, Wired and other publications. Events like SRQ’s Where The Votes Are workshops made Ogles one of Southwest Florida’s most respected political analysts, and outlets like WWSB ABC 7 and WSRQ Sarasota have featured his insights. He can be reached at [email protected].


  • GeeWoo

    January 22, 2025 at 2:03 pm

    Thank goodness DeGovernor is in the batters circle for AG and SecDef. What a dilemma the Leftists have on these key appointments. He’d make a good HHS Sec too, but DJT won’t put him there due to his truthfulness on the C19 shots.

    • SuzyQ

      January 24, 2025 at 6:15 am

      No, America’s Governor has long ruled out playing any role in the Trump administration. Governor DeSantis will be in the Governor’s Mansion for two (2) more years. There was petition circulating to allow him to run for 3rd term, but he opposed it.

      • JD

        January 24, 2025 at 7:41 pm

        Xtina… erm, SuzQ, it’s time to head back to Adopted Mother Russia for you. And guess what? He’s got just 1 year, 11 months, and 12 days left in office, not 2 years. But who’s counting? Oh right, everybody.

        • Bob Bradt

          January 27, 2025 at 7:00 pm

          How absolutely petty you are. You should and without a doubt become elected to the US Senate as a delay, delay, delay canidate. Congratulations…loser.

        • CB

          January 28, 2025 at 9:11 am

          Hey JD. Can you tell us why you dislike the governor? Would it be about the state economy, crime, the way he speaks, the party he’s in, or you just have a bro-crush on him? You do understand when you write the “Russia” thing or any other fake news, you impeach your credibility?

          • JD

            January 28, 2025 at 6:49 pm

            That was to SuzQ, I was basically alluding she could be Xtina (or Christina Pushsaw), who had to register as a foriegn agent because of her time spent with the President of Georgia – a pro-Russian ex-footballer Mikheil Saakashvili. If you cannot connect the dots, don’t play but there was no Fake News in my response.

            As for Desantis? He’s done nothing for the state long term. I actually voted for him the first time, and he came in strong on stances I cared about. Then he veered hard right into the train wreck of MAGAism. As for the state economy – it’s some of the highest inflation around (you looked at home prices and rent lately? Gone out to eat? Wanna pay my insurance bills?). And what type of jobs created? Let’s see some metrics on it. The space coast stuff is a good thing, but it was there already, it just needed juiced (and it got that from the SpaceForce without the Gov).

            As for the other stuff? I am NPA, I vote on issues, married to woman, and don’t care how he speaks.

  • Earl Pitts, "The Most Sage" Amerian

    January 22, 2025 at 2:37 pm

    Good Afternoon, Sage Patriots & Earl’s Besty Leftys who crossed party lines and voted for Trump,
    I, Earl Pitts Amerian, have already had a “Come To Earl Meeting’ with all members of The Senate and advised them, one & all – be they Sage Patriots or Dook 4 Brains Leftys, that they will, 100% be primaried should they cross me, Earl Pitts Amerian, and fail to confirm Pam.
    You may all Relax Your Political Sphincters, secure in the knowledge that, “EARL’S GOT THIS.
    Thank you, Sage Patriots & Earl’s Besty Leftys who crossed party lines and voted for Trump,
    Earl Pitts Amerian

    • JD

      January 22, 2025 at 4:14 pm

      Good Afternoon, Shitts,

      Ah, it’s comforting to know that the mighty Earl Pitts Amerian (with an “e” for extra gravitas) has personally convened a “Come to Earl Meeting” with the Senate. Truly, the Golden Shower Age of diplomacy is upon us.

      But alas, not even your capslock powers or dire primary threats can turn Pam into DOJ material. Seems even the Sage Patriots and Dook 4 Brains Leftys know a trainwreck when they see one.

      IN CLOSING: Rest assured, we’re all relaxing our political sphincters just fine—mostly from laughing too hard.

      JD, A Proud Member of the Reality-Based Community

      • GeeWoo

        January 22, 2025 at 4:59 pm

        Not sure why you can post SHITTS and I can’t post L!b T^rds. Probably bias with FP.

        • Earl Pitts American

          January 22, 2025 at 6:43 pm

          …uhh Gee Woo, stay away from my Beloved Son, JD. dont contact him any more as he is not gay.
          Glad we got this ckeared up Gee Woo …. now move along and dont bother my Beloved Son, JD, as he Aint Like Y’all,
          Earl Pitts, JD’s Dad, Pitts American

          • Nabi

            January 27, 2025 at 8:28 pm

            Nope. that’s what Leftists do. Anti free speech. They attempt to smother logic. Hurts their little ‘feelings’ which is all that matters, right?

        • JD

          January 23, 2025 at 6:59 am

          It’s just not in the blocking software’s dictionary but your word is. Think about it, you are spewing red false talking points. You don’t think in an era of AI or even adaptive algorithms it would eventually add the word based on sentiment software?

          Given that lack of critical thinking, perhaps you should unpack your assumptions. While you think you are fighting a liberal, on ever unbiased scale, I am centrist. This should be an indicator of how far RIGHT you’ve become in your bias.

          But htis conversation is wasted on you, because you will spew more talking points from the same source, laden with edge-case “what-about-isms”. Go read a f@cking book.

          • SuzyQ

            January 23, 2025 at 1:59 pm

            When you resort to name calling and the use of pejoratives, you’ve already lost. Given how frequently you resort to such impotent tactics, it’s no wonder you’re numb to losing again and again. I, on the hand, enjoy you in ways you may never quite understand.

          • JD

            January 23, 2025 at 2:30 pm

            Ah, marvelous dear SuzyQ. Your grasp of rhetoric is truly something to behold, though it does rather resemble a tea kettle: all sound and steam but no discernible substance. How charmingly ironic that you view measured critiques, even ones punctuated by the occasional bit of colorful language, as “impotent tactics.” It’s almost as if the point escaped you while you were busy polishing your moral pedestal.

            That said, my use of expletives was deliberate, a vibrant, if coarse, brushstroke to emphasize a point. You might consider that not all cussing is devoid of purpose; sometimes it’s a seasoning, and sometimes a mirror reflecting frustration with an impenetrable wall of talking points.

            But do carry on. Your penchant for misinterpreting tone as triumph is endlessly amusing, if not particularly enlightening.

        • just sayin

          January 24, 2025 at 8:52 am

          They’re both stupid and we’d be better off without them.


        January 22, 2025 at 5:47 pm

        Thank you, JD, no disrespect intended to my Besty, however, it seems you forgot Earl’s “HOTTY HOT MlLF Principal of Sage Political Wisdom which makes The Rightys & The Leftys choose THE HOTYY HOT MlLF … The Leftys & The Rightys will all vote fot The Hotty Hot MlLF without any thought to Democrat or Republican Monikers.
        Think about it, Holmes, your Ugly @ss would not even be here on The Planet had not some “Bull Of The Woods” like me, Earl Pitts American, been there, “Back In The Day” to Charm The Panties off your Hot Mom.
        THE SAGE ” BULL OF THE WOODS” EARL PITTS “PANTY DROPPER” AMERICAN … I’m not saying that I’m your Dad or not your Dad ….. Son. Proud of my Boy. EPA

      • Earl Pitts American

        January 22, 2025 at 6:37 pm

        Thanks, JD, for honering your Old Dad, Earl Pitts American, with your kind words.
        Son if you would do me a favor, I approve 100% of your request to henceforth go by the Mighty Name of JD Pitts American.

    • Warren Wielgus

      January 23, 2025 at 6:12 pm

      You’re kidding those democrats who voted for Trump
      Are very smart patriots!

    • JC

      January 28, 2025 at 11:31 am

      With all of this excess effort in trying to sound clever and witty,.. have you thought about changing your citizenship from “Amerian” to American?

      Asking for a much more clever and witty friend.


  • Paul Passarelli

    January 22, 2025 at 3:00 pm

    the article states:
    “That likely means any floor vote will be delayed until Feb. 4 or 5, according to officials close to the process. At that point, both sides will debate Bondi’s pros and cons.”

    Which in English means the Republicans will praise her accomplishments, and the Democrats will slander her with senatorial impunity!

  • The Cat In The Judges Hat

    January 22, 2025 at 9:39 pm

    Why Pam Bondi is doomed,a judge just called you MAGATS losers,she will catch all kind of legal hell,if she stray from the law by judges Google Beryl Howell Losers


    January 23, 2025 at 7:28 am


  • MAT

    January 23, 2025 at 3:05 pm


    • Steve Hall

      January 24, 2025 at 2:00 pm

      She should have been in there on January 20th the same time Trump took office. This needs changed as well. No excuse for her not getting confirmed until February.

  • SuzyQ

    January 24, 2025 at 6:26 am

    Pam Bondi will be confirmed and will make a great Attorney General of the United States. Then again, she’ll be succeeding an impotent empty suit, like JD the pseudo-intellectual. Remember, this “man” (I trust I may have misgendered him) uses profanity by design, or so he claims after the fact. He’s enjoyable in ways he can quite understand. That said, he can take defeat after defeat. It’s likely just a coping mechanism for him/ her/them/it.

    • JD

      January 24, 2025 at 1:23 pm

      Ms. SuzQ, I seem to have struck a chord. “Defeat after defeat,” you say? How dramatic. Yet, it’s precisely those who can endure setbacks, rise again, and persist that are the most formidable opponents. Perhaps that’s why you find yourself addressing me by name beyond the confines of your thread, an indication, dare I say, of unease?

      As for being a “pseudo-intellectual,” there’s nothing remotely pseudo about me, nor about my choice of language. Words, whether sharp or profane, are tools wielded with purpose. But do carry on, SuzQ as your persistence is almost endearing. Almost.

  • Steve Hall

    January 24, 2025 at 1:58 pm

    Giving them more time to shred documents over at the DOJ. This is ridiculous. Trumps team needs to be over there watching them like hawks.

    • Derek’s

      January 25, 2025 at 12:11 am

      What do expect from the DemonRats. Delay, delay and delay. But they won’t stop Pam Bondi from getting confirmed and investigating the DemonRats.

  • Pamela

    January 26, 2025 at 12:56 pm

    JR, it is obvious you are on the other side of the fence from Pam Bondi. But, having differing views is not a basis for saying she is not “DOJ material.” So, I am curious to know on what basis you came to that conclusion. Obviously, the majority of Floridians would disagree with you, considering that she has been elected to positions several times, and twice as Florida’s Attorney General, by a respectable margin. So, other than your differing politics, on what basis did you decide she was not “DOJ material?” Was it from listening to the pundits? Or, listening to her heavily edited interviews on the air? Or, did you actually put in the time to watch the full Senate hearings, to see how well she did– not just snippets? I am curious to know. BTW, I would respect your opinions more, if you can show you are capable of leaving out the insults and the crass language and can have a serious dialog.

  • Former Lt Col P.A.Noorani

    January 27, 2025 at 10:25 am

    What a shame Democrats are withholding the appointment
    Of AG. May be Democrats are afraid of skeleton in the closets.

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