Tag: budget conference

Ryan RayMarch 7, 2016

The Budget Conference Chairs held their final meeting Monday night, finalizing all remaining differences between House and Senate proposals and approving “supplemental funding issues” paid for with money from what is informally known as the “bill pot” or more informally still as — sprinkle money. Chair Rep. Richard Corcoran and Vice Chair Sen. Tom Lee wrote into the budget a mixture […]

Ryan RayMarch 3, 2016

In a swift 15-minute meeting Thursday night, the full bicameral Budget Conference Committee closed out all remaining differences in the chambers’ massive health care and general government budget silos, swapping tens of millions of dollars and making significant progress towards reconciling their respective $80-plus billion proposals. “We could go huddle up for 30 seconds and […]

Ryan RayFebruary 27, 2016

After the initial meeting of 2016 legislative budget conference Friday evening, senior budget writers – in particular House Budget Chairman Rep. Richard Corcoran – told reporters the Legislature had so far more or less ignored two of Gov. Rick Scott‘s key priorities Corcoran said their current proposal contains “zero” towards a $250 million dedicated Florida Enterprise Fund for […]

Jim RosicaFebruary 11, 2016

Now the horse-trading begins. The Florida Senate on Thursday unanimously passed its $80 billion budget 40-0, setting up the conference process where legislators grind out a budget each year. Both sides of the aisle united to pass the spending plan, though some Democrats still raised concerns. Jeff Clemens of Lake Worth, for instance, suggested extra money would […]

Staff ReportsJune 10, 2015

Senate President Andy Gardiner announced a few programming notes after a more or less pro forma floor Session late Wednesday morning. Among them: The 6 o’clock rule — which has been broken a handful of times this conference season, including an 8:45 meeting of the Education budget panel — remains in effect whether budget chiefs Richard Corcoran and Tom Lee come to […]

Ryan RayJune 9, 2015

The presiding officers of the Legislature’s two chambers, Senate President Andy Gardiner and House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, made a show of unity Tuesday after a turbulent beginning to 2015 Special Session A. They issuing a joint statement early Tuesday afternoon saying they will allow budget conference subchairs to continue to work out their differences rather than have leadership […]

Ryan RayJune 7, 2015

Tallahassee’s withering June heat seems to have made sunshine fashionable again in the Florida Capitol. As House and Senate lawmakers conferred during the weekend to reconcile their disparate budget proposals, transparency was the tool of choice for certain key budget writers. Going against the usual appropriations grain where budget priorities are wheeled and dealt among […]


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