Last Call – A prime-time read of what’s going down in Florida politics.
First Shot
Justin Sayfie, the former Jeb Bush policy advisor turned political website whiz, is leaving Florida for the nation’s capital.
But don’t worry: You will still get your daily Sayfie Review fix.
Sayfie, who joined Brian Ballard’s Ballard Partners lobbying firm in 2015 as its managing partner in Fort Lauderdale, will move to Washington, D.C. “enhance his focus on the federal government,” a press release said Monday.
“His contacts and expertise are ideally suited for a full-time position” there, Ballard said in a statement.
In 2002, the lawyer-lobbyist Sayfie launched the Sayfie Review, once described by Business Insider as “the premier online destination for (Florida) political news.” There’s also an edition for Texas.
“I wanted to be sure I let you know that this will not impact the Sayfie Review in any way,” Sayfie wrote in a blog post on his site Monday. He remains publisher, and his team of editors “will keep providing you with the best political news from around the state, around the clock.”
“Furthermore, Sayfie Review will always remain non-partisan, and independently owned and operated from my other business interests,” he added.
“I’m thrilled about the opportunity and excited to start helping clients up there,” he said by phone, adding he’s only doing executive-branch lobbying. While passing on discussing individual clients, he did say “the diversity of issues I’ll be dealing with is fascinating.”
Evening Reads
“I moved from a blue state to a red state and it changed my life” via Leah Singer of the Indianapolis Star Opinion
“The stunning price tag for Hurricane Irma, explained” via Umair Irfan of Vox
“The best forecasts for Hurricane Irma came from a computer model few people know about” via Jason Samenow of the Washington Post
“Back to school: After Irma, Florida classes begin resuming” via Tim Reynolds of the Associated Press
“Why do politicians always wear baseball caps during natural disasters?” via Jerry Iannelli of the Miami New Times
“With a brick and a rock, Lakeland commissioner saves neighbor’s dog from gator” via Melissa Gomez of the Tampa Bay Times
“Florida chefs are busy making meals, cafecitos for Hurricane Irma victims” via Betty Cortina of NBC News
“What hurricanes can dredge up: coffins, canoes and creatures” via Jacey Fortin of The New York Times
“Massachusetts shelters welcome pets displaced by Hurricane Irma” via Erica Yee of the Boston Globe
“Apple’s iPhone X delay comes down to OLED screen shortage” via Jon Swartz of USA Today
Quote of the Day
“You are heroes to an awful lot of my fellow Floridians from this past week.” – U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist of Pinellas County, speaking to members of the National Weather Service Employees Organization in St. Petersburg.
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Wake Up Early
Sen. Dorothy Hukill, a Port Orange Republican, is scheduled to speak during a breakfast event of the Daytona Beach Area Association of Realtors. That’s at 8 a.m., The Shores Resort & Spa, 2637 South Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach.
Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis and U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio will help open a disaster recovery center and “insurance village” for people affected by Hurricane Irma, at 8 a.m., Prime F. Osborn III Convention Center, 1000 Water St., Jacksonville.
Rear Admiral Babette “Bette” Bolivar, commander of the Navy Region Southeast, will speak to the Economic Club of Florida at noon, FSU Alumni Center, 1030 West Tennessee St., Tallahassee.
The Agency for Health Care Administration will hold a meeting about a change to what is known as a “prospective payment system” for nursing homes in the Medicaid program. It’s at 1:30 p.m., at the Agency’s headquarters, 2727 Mahan Dr., Tallahassee.
A fundraiser for Rep. Jose Felix Diaz, running for Senate District 40, is bringing out a legion of the Senate’s GOP heavyweights, including Senate President Joe Negron, Republican Leader Wilton Simpson, and Sens. Bill Galvano, Lizbeth Benaquisto, Jeff Brandes, Tom Lee and Dana Young. The reception starts at 6 p.m., at Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse, 4322 W. Boy Scout Blvd., Tampa.
Public Defender Andy Thomas of the Tallahassee-based 2nd Judicial Circuit is slated to discuss the death penalty during a meeting of Tallahassee Citizens Against the Death Penalty. He will speak at 7 p.m. in the Co-cathedral of St. Thomas More’s O’Brien Hall, 900 West Tennessee St., Tallahassee.