A series of email blasts from former Republican congressional candidate and political blogger Javi Manjarres is resulting in the threat of legal action from the Broward Republican Party.
Florida Politics has obtained two copies of those emails, where Manjarres identifies himself in the “From” line as “Broward Republican.” The emails go on to blast Republican candidate Nicolas Kimaz, who is running in Florida’s 22nd Congressional District.
Kimaz defeated Manjarres in the primary after Manjarres made several dubious claims about his time in the U.S. Air Force. Now, the Broward Republicans want him to knock off the attacks against Kimaz.
A request for comment from Manjarres is pending.
The Shark Tank blogger went at it with Kimaz during the primary, even filing a stalking claim against Kimaz, which was immediately thrown out by a judge.
Manjarres has kept the war going, however, including with this new set of emails.
One email attempts to dissuade Republicans from voting for Kimaz.
The email reads, “Just because there is an (R) after their name, it doesn’t mean that they support or represent your American values and principles. It’s OK. Sometimes you just have to leave a ballot slot blank and vote around it. Many have already done so this cycle. It’s your right as Americans to do so.”
Aside from emphasizing the failure of Kimaz to represent “American values,” the email also has an odd obsession about Kimaz’ Lebanese background.
“In a desperate move to try to salvage his failing Lebanon-focused congressional campaign, ‘liar liar pants on fire’ Lebanese Arab and Arabic-speaking Nicolas Kimaz (Imaz) is putting out desperate emails in an attempt stop the Republican bleeding of support his campaign is enduring” says the text.
Another email from Manjarres’ account, which is referenced in the cease-and-desist letter sent to Manjarres, blasts in large letters at the start, “Voting for American exceptionalism, not Arab exceptionalism.” That’s followed by the text, “Think before you vote. Vote your principles.”
The email then accuses Kimaz of voting “to protect an Arab nation,” should he defeat incumbent U.S. Rep. Ted Deutch next week.
The Broward Republican Party appears to believe the emails, which are labeled from “Broward Republican,” risk confusing readers into thinking the messages are being sent from a Broward Republican Party official.
However, the emails do go on to blast the group as well.
“Kimaz (Imaz) is supported by the laughable Broward Republican Party, who endorse Democrats over Republican (sic). (Did we mention they are the laughing stock of the entire state party?)”
In the cease and desist letter addressed to Manjarres and signed by Chairman of the Broward Republican Party George Moraitis, the group threatens legal action against the blogger.
“You have used the title ‘Broward Republican’ as the name of the sender of the email,” the letter notes.
“This is contrary not only to party rules but to Florida law.”
The letter continues, “In short, no person shall use the name of the political party without permission. This is to request your immediate cease and desist of using the name ‘Broward Republican,’ as well as a retraction. If not done immediately, we will be forced to seek legal action.”
Moraitis goes on to cite Florida Statutes 103.081. The section states in relevant part, “No person shall use the name, abbreviation, or symbol of any political party…in political advertising…unless such person shall first obtain the written permission of the chair of the state executive committee of the party.”
As Moraitis notes, the party’s own rules also prohibit the unauthorized use of its name.
Manjarres lost his bid to represent Republicans in the race for CD 22. Now, it appears he’s attempting to take the rest of the local party down with his failed campaign.