It is more than a year away from the Iowa caucuses but there are early indications that the state is warming to Florida’s Governor as a 2024 presidential contender.
Gov. Ron DeSantis isin second place among Iowa Republicans, according to a new poll commissioned by the Courageous Conservatives PAC and other groups.
Former President Donald Trump is still the top choice, but DeSantis is making his move even when the questions are asked “open-ended,” or without prompts, as this survey was conducted.
Trump was he first choice of 38% of those surveyed, 21 points ahead of DeSantis’s 17%. But that margin was narrowed from a 44-point Trump lead from the last time pollsters tested this question, in November 2021, when the former President was the choice of 56% of Hawkeye State Republican respondents.
Evidence of Trump sag extended to the “first or second choice” question as well.
Trump was the first or second choice of 44% of respondents, with DeSantis just 14 points back with 30% support. Trump had commanded 62% of support last time this question was polled, 34 points above DeSantis last November.
When third choice options were included, Trump was still stuck at 44%, with DeSantis up to 33%. That was a 23 point swing from the 65% to 29% advantage Trump had last fall.
Other names were non-starters. Former Vice President Mike Pence drew 2% support as a first choice, good for third and the latest indication that the 2024 Republican presidential race is a two man contest at present.
The Iowa survey comes days after a poll of the New Hampshire Republican Primary saw DeSantis slightly ahead of Trump. The Iowa caucus system operates differently than the Primary seen in most states, and this surge suggests that if caucuses were imminent, DeSantis would have his strong contingent of supporters.
Trump continues to say that he is polling well ahead of DeSantis, and continues to put the Governor in a subordinate role, discussing him as a potential running mate and repeatedly saying he was “very responsible” for the DeSantis rise in 2018’s gubernatorial race via his endorsement over Adam Putnam.
DeSantis continues to deny any interest in a presidential run, mocking what he called media “obsession” about a potential campaign in a recent press conference, and continuing to be coy when asked about 2024 “nonsense.” He sidestepped this topic as recently as a Fox News interview in June. He also continues to downplay recent straw polls showing him as a leading presidential contender in 2024.
The poll surveyed 546 Iowa Republicans (MOE +/- 4.2%) between June 22-24, 27-30 and July 1.
July 3, 2022 at 2:45 pm
It will be nearly impossible for Donald Trump to run for President from Leavenworth Prison. It’s ok for Trumpsters to migrate to Trump’s bootlicker Ron DeSantis…….just keep in mind that 43% of today’s electorate does not belong to either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.
Join us at the Lincoln Project to forever defeat Trumpism.
July 3, 2022 at 3:29 pm
Its a America’s Governor love fest!
Come one, come all to the DeSantis fest.
Manchurians welcomed and allowed to convert!
DeSantis 22, and 24!
David in Shoreline
July 4, 2022 at 12:20 am
Trump had some great wins (Supreme Court) but it’s time for him to graciously step aside and let America’s Governor take the helm. I can’t wait for a big fat DeSantis win in November and another one just two short years later.
Fred Factoid
July 6, 2022 at 11:54 pm
Ron DeSantis has bigger problems (his weight problem) to think about than to pretend he can beat Trump in 24’. Besides, both will lose to the dead man, who is more alive than those who dare to call him such. I would love to Rogan debate Biden on the issues. Then you will see the real dead man. Hahaha
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