Democratic Rep. Val Demings’ U.S. Senate campaign raised $12.2 million in the second quarter of 2022, her best take yet, and what the campaign called a “historic” effort in announcing it.
The haul during the months of April, May and June brings her total raised since she entered the race in April 2021 to $41.9 million.
Demings’ campaign also has been spending significantly lately. Last month her campaign placed an eight-figure advertising buy to run a TV commercial throughout the state for the past several weeks.
Her official campaign finance reports have not yet been posted by the Federal Election Commission, so details on the campaign’s latest fundraising and spending efforts are not yet available. Demings ended the first quarter of 2022 having raised $30.7 million while holding about $18 million in cash.
She is likely to be facing Republican Sen. Marco Rubio in November. His campaign has not yet released any information on his second-quarter fundraising efforts. He finished the first quarter of 2022 having raised $30.2 million by that point, and he was holding about $13 million in cash.
Demings still faces minor opposition in the Democratic Primary Election, while Rubio has won the Republican nomination without opposition.
“We are building the strongest campaign Rubio has ever seen,” Demings’ campaign manager Zach Carroll said in a news release.
Through that first quarter, the Rubio-Demings race already was the most flush in the country. Only four incumbent Senators had raised more campaign money at that point than either Demings or Rubio. And that was before Demings’ $12.2 million collection for the latest period, which the news release called “historic fundraising numbers.”
Demings’ campaign said the money was coming in from a grassroots effort, with contributions averaging less than $30 apiece, the campaign said.
“Chief Demings is inspiring voters in every corner of the state to join our people-powered movement,” Carrol said. “Our momentum has only grown stronger since we launched our campaign, and it’s clear that Floridians are ready to hold Marco Rubio accountable for following the party bosses and special interests who tell him what to do.”
July 12, 2022 at 2:17 pm
China, Soros, other financial types help float the boat.
July 12, 2022 at 3:27 pm
Hey Tom – this is George; hope you and the family are well and got the COVID laced fruit basket I sent your wife’s boyfriend while you were working at your menial boomer job.
July 13, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Committing acts of murder, is that now in the Soros, Manchurian tool kit moron George ? Are you a pathetic bastard? Who suggested it Hillary?
Truth hurts, you bastard Manchurians getting run over this November.
POTUS is 29% approval in Florida.
Under water in 48 states dumb ass
Dumings, Chameleon and or Fraud no chance.
More news on 9.1% inflation, 40 high.
Repubs win new 40 to 70 house seats now. With recession by Labor Day.
Enjoy getting rolled! Or as Obummer said, shellacking. LMAO.
July 13, 2022 at 5:47 pm
Tom – don’t be mad. I’m your wife’s boyfriend brah. While you’re at work at your b/s boomer desk job (probably were loyal for 28 years to the same employer, wage cucked the whole time) your wife has enjoyed my company.
July 13, 2022 at 7:29 pm
George, read my reply to Sharon below. I fit you in, you both are pieces of shit. Enjoy.
tom palmer
July 13, 2022 at 3:48 pm
I guess the question is whether Demings can use the money wisely. She is running for Senate, not Sheriff.
July 13, 2022 at 4:25 pm
Yes she is looking for her firearms.
Sharon Calvert
July 13, 2022 at 5:54 pm
She will find the firearms as soon as you find out why your wife has been hanging out with her “friends” so often. No wonder you have so much time to post b/s in these comment sections. You are a true embarrassment to the conservative movement. It is fascist Trump-cucks like you that have taken our message away from making sure poor people can’t ride transit.
You would know how good we were as the Tea Party ruining transit back in 2016 but you are probably a Russian troll Tom. Such a shame/ smh.
July 13, 2022 at 6:39 pm
Sharon and George, two pieces of Adam Schiff.
LMAO, I’m not married but nice try.
Busted your chops, I am the FP legend. It’s well established.
Filth like you both can’t talk facts so you engage in scurrilous scum talk.
Calvert bangs her father and George bangs his sister. Docs say it causes brain damage, so you both proved. LMAO.
Biden’s 29% in Florida has caused panic. Don’t worry with the recession by labor day, 40 to 70 House seats will flip to Repub. as Florida’s leads the way. Dumings, chameleon and or fraud no chance vs America’s Gov.
Marco wins big, Dumings can’t tie her shoes, find badge, hat or firearms.
40 yr high of 9% plus inflation, under Biden/Harris as they make people eat dog food. I understand, with incompetent Biden, Harris, mayor Peter, Granholm, Schumer, Pelosi, it’s hard. Clown show.
You should both get off the incest but Manchurians can’t think.
Really sick bastards but Manchurian Dums have lost minds.
Sharon Calvert
July 13, 2022 at 7:20 pm
You’re such an omega cuckold. Repeating the same drivel.
July 13, 2022 at 7:40 pm
You are just a tramp. Ah, your feelings are hurt. Can’t take facts or truth.
You can’t run with me.
You and boy George are dealing with a FP legend.
Do what you do best, show up st the pool at midnight.
Shipping Dept. C4T
July 13, 2022 at 7:42 pm
Hello. I’m glad I finally tracked you down. I’ve been meaning to confirm your address to send the “I love being a MAGA Cuck” sleeveless T-Shirt. The one that has our lord and savior, Donald J Trump on the back riding a horse watching your wife getting railed by George Soros on the back. I tried to send it to the trailer park just off of FL-54 near Zephryhills, but it came back with a note saying that you had moved to the liberal haven of Ybor to, “make your dream become a reality”. We at the Cucks4Trump HQ are VERY disappointed to hear this. We are so sad to see you go. Your continued support for our cause has led to many satisfied wives being matched with impressively hung Puerto Rican men.
July 13, 2022 at 8:30 pm
Highly intelligent you apparently are not. You despicable scum bags just live in the gutter.
You all make me the FP legend I am.
Bring it on, I’ve had these scumcrat attacks before, Meaningless.
I obviously busted all your chops.
Manchurians cannot talk issues, you are all collectively brain dead. You are putred.
Go blow your brother Scumcrat. LMAO.
Sharon Calvert
July 14, 2022 at 5:38 am
Hi Ton
The amount of cheap American beer you had to consume just to deal with this shitty conservative rag of a website comment section must be astronomical. It does suck how the Brandon economy has taken away so many of your COL raises because you are a wage cuck, you are forced to drink such piss. Have you joined the Proud Boys yet? They drink piss to keep their “manna” inside instead of jerking off.
Instead of being angry, you should join the RINO Tea Party and make sure transit doesn’t get run to beautiful suburbs like Riverview and Wesley Chapel. There are plenty of angry wage-cucked “men” such as yourself in cube homes who can all rant about their worthless jobs and their high school sports glory days. Member when our high school mascot was an Indian? yeah I member.
July 14, 2022 at 7:51 am
Hey Sharon Tramp Calvert.
How was the midnight pool call?
You seem to be so infatuated with mine, it is-a lot to hold and enjoy.
You can’t have it, even though you desperately want it.
I hope you give up the incest. Sorry, I don’t drink beer, but I’m sure you suck on empty bottles for practice. LMAO.
Sharon Calvert
July 14, 2022 at 1:45 pm
I only like BBC which you clearly don’t have. Only a micropenised “man” such as you would be this mentally retarded on “FP”. I have plenty of alpha males at the Tierra Verde anti transit club to pick from.
July 14, 2022 at 4:08 pm
Sharon Tramp, just practice on the bottles. See you are a Tramp, didn’t even meet you. Things are tough under Biden/Harris.
you can charge some$$.
Ah your feelings are hurt. You dished it out, typical Dem! Can’t take it.
You are a loser, but you can’t do anything else besides the midnight pool girl routine. Enjoy!
Ocean Joe
July 14, 2022 at 8:37 am
Great comments Tom, Sharon and George.
Let’s focus on Little Marco:
Record: Like Bill Nelson, he’s susceptible to the question: what has he actually accomplished?
He was working with the Gang of 8 to bring about serious immigration reform and got scared off by the far right. If they (the far right) had their way there’d be nobody but Norwegians here…and the elderly Slovenian parents of Melanoma. He could have made a difference for those Cuban rafters who brave a dangerous trek and some of the biggest sharks in the Caribbean. But nada.
He could’ve stood up to the NRA on assault weapons, after two massacres in Florida (Parkland and Pulse) especially after he used the Pulse slaughter to claim “Florida needs me” as his excuse to duck out of the 2016 presidential primary with the small hands guy, but he hasn’t.
He complains a lot about Latin dictators, but they’re all still entrenched for life.
Maybe another 6 years of getting nothing done besides running protection for the NRA merits reelection.
As for the hordes trying to get in, climate change is affecting the ability to raise crops, which in turn leads to much of the mass migration. Maybe we could have a senator who does not carry water for the climate deniers.
And if Val can’t find her gun, thanks to Marco she can always grab another one on any street corner.
July 14, 2022 at 4:02 pm
Thanks Ocean, LMAO.
Manchurian nation has lost its mind.
As for your diatribe against Marco, he didn’t scare off. The gang was going to provide unlimited amnesty. I think you should listen more instead of pontificating.
His parents taught him bout legal immigration and Castros commies.
I’ll put you down for Dumings and maybe you will help her find her firearms. What a joke!
Marco wins! No prob.
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