Without Gov. Ron DeSantis to guide and encourage them, Republican lawmakers in Florida won’t be so emboldened to push controversial laws, according to Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, who is running to unseat him.
“We take Ron DeSantis out of the conversation and out of the equation here, and the Republicans can go back to just being conservative, not this radicalization that we’ve seen here in the state of Florida,” she said.
“When you want to kill a snake, you cut off its head.”
Fried’s comments came near the end of a Friday interview with Chuck Todd of NBC’s Meet the Press in which she pitched herself as the only viable challenger to the incumbent Governor, whose popularity has soared across the country over the last year.
On Tuesday, Democratic voters will choose between her, U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist and several other Democratic candidates for Governor in a Primary Election. The winner will face DeSantis Nov. 8.
Fried noted she is the only Democrat to win a statewide election in Florida since former President Barack Obama won in 2012, and for the last three and a half years she’s “been in the trenches” fighting DeSantis’ agenda while advancing her own.
That experience, Fried said, will curb the advancement of far-right policies like Florida’s new ban on abortion after 15 weeks and a Parental Rights in Education measure critics call “Don’t Say Gay.”
“I’ve been able to have an extremely high success rate in not only getting my budget through the Legislature (but) also legalizing hemp here in the state of Florida, so I know that there’s an opportunity to work across the aisle and to get things accomplished,” she said.
“But the Republicans know that I’m not necessarily going to just sit back and let them run the show. I’m going to use the power of the veto pen. I’m going to use the power of calling Special Sessions, and they’re going to figure out that it is a lot easier to work with me than to fight me every step along the way.”
Asked why Democrats should vote for her instead of Crist, who leads the race in funding, endorsements and most — but not all — polling results, Fried said much of that is misleading and reflects Crist’s nearly three decades in Florida politics.
“Charlie’s been doing this for 30 years as a Republican, as an independent and as a Democrat, so he has a lot of chips to cash in,” she said, adding that she’s been endorsed by the Democratic Black Caucus, Democratic Environmental Caucus and LGBTQ caucuses all over the state.
“The grassroots people who are actually out there every single day fighting on these issues, those people are with me.”
Speaking with Todd after Fried, Crist pushed back on the notion that his history of public service, including a stint as Florida’s Governor from 2007 to 2011, is a drawback for voters.
He also rebuffed Fried’s insistence that he opposes abortion because he says he’s “pro-life,” citing his decades-long history of voting against abortion restrictions and 100% rating from Planned Parenthood. It’s no surprise, he said, that progressives like Orlando state Rep. Anna Eskamani and U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz have endorsed him.
“Why are they endorsing me? Because they trust me. They know what I’ve done. They know what my deeds are,” he said. “I think experience does matter. It absolutely does.”
Gucci N. Gander
August 19, 2022 at 5:53 pm
Fried is an extremist. She has always been one, but now that she accepts that she will get her bulbous ass kicked from Killearn to Homestead Tuesday, she feels emboldened to resort to this sort of middle school rhetoric. Does this mean Republicans can start using murder-based metaphors about Democratic leaders, one’s having to do with coyotes (Crist), skunks (Pelosi), sloths (Biden), poopworms (you name ’em) and the like? She did, so why can’t Republicans?
Christine L Casciani
August 19, 2022 at 6:52 pm
She sure is.
Joe Corsin
August 19, 2022 at 7:17 pm
^ False information
Toast Master
August 19, 2022 at 6:44 pm
I knew a girl named Nikki
I guess you could say she was a power fiend
I met her when she was a lobbyist
Masterminding legalizing weed
She said, “How’d you like to get wasted some time?”
And I could not believe when I saw little Nikki hit the pipe
Apologies to Prince.
Elliott Offen
August 19, 2022 at 7:21 pm
Mini Hitler could have been the best governor that Florida ever had if he had not engaged in the white supremacist culture war and acted like he gave a sht about the orange crook…which he really doesn’t when all is said and done with. But honestly, he’s played his cards right with Trump’s stupid voters and it will probably pay off. Hopefully if he does get to the Whitehouse he will knock off all the nonsense. Fingers crossed… Bernie 2024!!!!!
Joe Corsin
August 19, 2022 at 9:35 pm
I have to disagree. For example snake oil salesmen Donald Trump…fully decapitated but still the body stinking up the nation. His fetid supporters must be buried somehow. Too bad the GOP still riding that wave to hell. Would be nice if they would do something different to quell the fascist melee. Grifters gonna grift!!!
Impeach Biden
August 19, 2022 at 9:46 pm
I’ve said it multiple times on this message board that Nikki Fried would be unfit for Governor in the state of Florida. She has used her job as Ag Commissioner to promote herself as a future Governor here. Her strategy failed though as she chose to attack our fine Governor nearly daily. As you can see her strategy to discredit and smear DeSantis failed. She will lose in the primary come Tuesday night and many of us look forward to the end and of Nikki Fried. Now Nikki and fellow nut job Rebekah Jones can ride off into the sunset and maybe move on to some radical BLUE state that supports their crazy ideals. Good riddance Nikki Fried
Joe Corsin
August 19, 2022 at 11:48 pm
^ Hardcore neo-nazi propagandist and terrorist supporter…also pro crime sociopath for supporting the orange crook.
Linwood Wright
August 20, 2022 at 12:29 am
Ron DeSantis is a racist.
Josh Green
August 20, 2022 at 12:31 am
Please don’t compare Ron DeSantis to a snake.
Snakes are awesome, and Ron DeSantis is a worthless bucket of puke.
Impeach Biden
August 20, 2022 at 8:49 am
Linwood Wright and Josh Green. Two more dummies that reside in the state of Florida. Thank God they aren’t the majority like California, Illinois, New York, etc.
Ocean Joe
August 20, 2022 at 10:34 am
Actually, the governor’s involvement in redistricting (basically telling the legislature how to do it), restructuring two districts from majority Black to minority will likely eliminate two Black held seats in congress, along with the “anti-riot” bill he pushed which was directed against Black expression of free speech (suddenly exposed when his own supporters blocked a federal highway), would lead any logical thinker to understand that Mr. Wright has a better assessment of the governor’s nature than one of his sycophants such as yourself. Hey, where’s Tommy?
Listen, it’s the southern strategy, alive and well, and while Desantis is more Wallace than Nixon, just admit it instead of candy coating what your Jan 6 brethren were all about.
Toast Master
August 20, 2022 at 2:49 pm
The borders of Al Lawson’s district are as convoluted as your thinking on this issue.
Race based gerrymandering is wrong. Al Lawson’s district was an affront to democracy as it disenfranchised people in 5 counties to artificially elevate a black man. All Americans are equal and “Special” districts like Lawson’s tell me that you believe he is handicapped by his color, rather than by his absolute lack of appeal to voters. That makes you the racist.
No one’s free speech is threatened by a bill that allows citizens to protect themselves from violent mobs who to seek to harm them. Unlawful violence is not speech. The fact that you conflate violence with speech tells me that you do not understand free speech at all.
If ideas have value they must persuade not coerce. The fact that you think black speech must include the right to commit violence again tells me that you are a racist and also a totalitarian.
Elliott Offen
August 21, 2022 at 4:39 am
^ This guy is racist…
Charlotte Greenbarg
August 20, 2022 at 8:00 am
The frothing at the mouth, wild eyed rhetoric of the Democrats/far left tells us all we need to know
Joe Corsin
August 21, 2022 at 4:41 am
Yeah the Democrats are really far left. Anything to the left of Hitler is far left to you imbeciles.
August 20, 2022 at 1:08 pm
DeDictator is cutting off the Republican Party’s head all by himself. In addition to betraying Trump and losing many of his voters, Desantis’ culture wars and degenerate immaturity are disgusting to most voters. Desantis’ attacks on victimized children by trivialising “grooming” and “groomer” as campaign slogans, even though it re-traumatises survivors, is about as low as you can go. A Fox News poll found that parents are distancing themselves from Desantis’ party. Dads shifted by +28 points to supporting the Democratic Party. Moms shifted as well, and, especially problematic for Republicans, suburban women made a +9 point shift to Democrats.
Toast Masteer
August 20, 2022 at 2:29 pm
The DeSantis message is simple. Value our country, and all our citizens equally. Obey our laws and apply them with an even hand. Limit the power of the unelected to interfere with American’s life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Safeguard our children from the machinations of ideologues and perverts.
That this is controversial in any way tells me that you are deceived or lost. You trust the opinions of the self-deluded and of paid liars. It’s no wonder you are so mixed up.
Elliott Offen
August 21, 2022 at 4:44 am
Paid liars? Trump 40,000 lies over four years culminating in the BIG LIE…and his was a paid position. Limit the power of the unelected to interfere in American life? So half the nation shouldn’t have a say so when Hitler is in charge? What fascist nonsense is this?
August 21, 2022 at 12:19 pm
Desantis is an opportunistic fake. A lawyer from 2 ELITE Ivy League Northeastern colleges, who was a urinalysis tester and Court Martial prosecutor in the Navy, not one of the guys and gals. He’s a lawyer–it’s his job to manipulate people!
There’s not enough space to comment on all of Christian Nationalist Ron’s 1st Amendment and other rights infringements. His most offensive attacks have been on children. He uses children as political props as he bans books from their libraries and runs professional teachers out of their classrooms–despite parents’ wishes. He infringes on parental rights by dictating what their children are allowed to learn, and indoctrinating students with his “permitted” dogma. He is limiting kids’ futures by preventing them from learning enough to get into college.
Desantis is over-ruling parents’ rights by threatening a few parents for taking their children to family friendly drag shows—-because he knows that MAGAs don’t know anything about a drag show–except the lies that he spews to scare them. He knows drag shows are not some kind of wild sex orgy. Think Mrs Doubtfire, Tootsie, etc, if you are confused. Desantis manipulates your fear and ignorance.
His most indefensible attack on children is his use of abused children’s traumatic experiences to further his 2024 political ambitions against Trump. By callously repeating “groomers” and “grooming” whenever preaching against anything that he wants you to hate, he is preying on your fears while knowingly re-traumatising vulnerable children. Who does that? It’s sociopathic. We must vote for Democrats to protect our children from Ron.
Toast Master
August 20, 2022 at 2:48 pm
The borders of Al Lawson’s district are as convoluted as your thinking on this issue.
Race based gerrymandering is wrong. Al Lawson’s district was an affront to democracy as it disenfranchised people in 5 counties to artificially elevate a black man. All Americans are equal and “Special” districts like Lawson’s tell me that you believe he is handicapped by his color, rather than by his absolute lack of appeal to voters. That makes you the racist.
No one’s free speech is threatened by a bill that allows citizens to protect themselves from violent mobs who to seek to harm them. Unlawful violence is not speech. The fact that you conflate violence with speech tells me that you do not understand free speech at all.
If ideas have value they must persuade not coerce. The fact that you think black speech must include the right to commit violence again tells me that you are a racist and also a totalitarian.
David In Shoreline
August 20, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Nikki and Charlie both went negative so quick. Aiming their weapons at themselves and of course the amazing Governor. Gov. DeSantis just dropped a bunch of ads. All positive. All highlighting his accomplishments for families, for education, for safe communities and for a clean and welcoming environment for Florida’s tourism industry. Do you really want to elect Negative Nikki or Criticizer Crist or do you want a happy warrior who fights to defend the freedom and prosperity of Floridians? Real tough question I know.
Joe Corsin
August 21, 2022 at 4:48 am
We want Charlie…to clean up the white supremacist terrorists, the anti-government propagandists, the Christian fascist theocrats, the neo nazi crumb bums, and the Trumpian dumb dumbs.
Double Fries Please
August 21, 2022 at 10:54 am
We want Joe Corsin to go back to his day job– maitre d’ at his local McDonalds, where he uses money passed under the table to re-elect Mayor McCheese.
August 21, 2022 at 1:08 pm
We want Double and David to stop pushing the Supersize BS and Tiny McmoRON Hamberder Hapless Meal.
Double Trouble
August 21, 2022 at 6:00 pm
As they say, imitation is the greatest! Thank you, marylou.
August 21, 2022 at 9:47 pm
Double Trouble:
Elliott Offen
August 21, 2022 at 6:28 pm
@DFP: Stage Delicatessen…54, 7th avenue…he was harassing my father. I left him for dead riiiiight….
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