Ron DeSantis endorses ‘conservative fighter’ Brad Yeager for re-election to Pasco-based HD 56
Brad Yeager wants schools to limit student internet access.

Yeager also enjoys support from the powerful Americans for Prosperity through its political arm.

Gov. Ron DeSantis is endorsing Brad Yeager for re-election to House District 56, a big nod as he faces a Primary challenge before heading to the General Election where a Democrat awaits.

“Brad Yeager has been a conservative fighter for Pasco County in the Florida Legislature and I’m happy to endorse his election. Brad has consistently fought alongside us to support common sense legislation that protects Florida families, businesses, and law enforcement. I look forward to seeing him back in Tallahassee serving District 56,” DeSantis said.

Yeager faces Kirk Phillips in the GOP Primary, who entered the race last month and has not yet reported campaign finance activity. Yeager has raised nearly $50,000. The winner will face Democrat William Pura in the November General Election, though the district has a significant advantage for Republicans — 39% of the electorate is registered to the GOP while just 27% are Democrats, according to the most recent L2 voter data.

Yeager won the district in 2022, succeeding former Rep. Amber Mariano who declined to seek a fourth term. Yeager came out on top in a three-way Primary with 45% of the vote, success largely attributed by support from then-Senate President Wilton Simpson and House Speaker Chris Sprowls.

Yeager is a vehicle auctions company general manager from New Port Richey who also ran on support from Pasco County Tax Collector Mike Fasano and Sheriff Chris Nocco, both powerful political institutions in Pasco County.

This cycle, Yeager is enjoying support from the powerful Americans for Prosperity through its political arm.

Yeager is running on a platform including low taxes, support for law enforcement and first responders, supporting DeSantis’ vision “to keep Florida free,” elections integrity, parental choice in education, gun rights, jobs, border security and to “stop the Biden power grab.” He also lists himself as “100% pro-life.”

Janelle Irwin Taylor

Janelle Irwin Taylor has been a professional journalist covering local news and politics in Tampa Bay since 2003. Most recently, Janelle reported for the Tampa Bay Business Journal. She formerly served as senior reporter for WMNF News. Janelle has a lust for politics and policy. When she’s not bringing you the day’s news, you might find Janelle enjoying nature with her husband, children and two dogs. You can reach Janelle at [email protected].


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  • rick whitaker

    June 10, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    we need william pura bad. the maga candidates are up to no good with their dubious alliances with far-right groups.



    June 10, 2024 at 2:21 pm

    Let’s clean up the homelessness in Pasco County. Many families are living under bridges in tents. Let’s make it a priority. It looks like a third world country in Pasco County.


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