At Dane Eagle’s nest, the flock continues to grow. The former Department of Economic Opportunity Secretary just announced the birth of his second child.
Valen Arthur Eagle was born on Monday. He is the second son of Eagle and Dr. Brooke Iwanski Eagle.
“Valen Arthur Eagle has arrived!” Dane Eagle announced. “He is strong and healthy, and all 7 lbs. 2 oz. of him are ready to take on big brother. We are very blessed.”
The Eagles don’t plan to have more fledglings, so this marks the formation of a full family four years in the making.
The couple wed in 2019 while Dane Eagle still served in the House. Notably, political connections brought the two together; Brooke Eagle’s sister is married to former Rep. Mike LaRosa, who introduced the couple.
The couple welcomed Ronin Theodore Eagle the following year, as Dane Eagle ran for Congress. While the father lost to now-U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds, that allowed the family to move to Tallahassee after Gov. Ron DeSantis recruited Eagle to lead the DEO.
As DEO Secretary, Eagle oversaw programs such as the state’s unemployment benefits, workforce training operations, as well as several grant programs aimed at business and infrastructure development.
He took on the job at a difficult time. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 exposed problems with an unemployment system incapable of handling the crush of claims that hit Florida as businesses closed down for extended periods. Unemployment at one point reached 13.9% statewide.
While the situation had improved somewhat as Eagle came on board, unemployment was still at 8.7% when he started. But after two years under his leadership, that dropped to 2.7%. Meanwhile, the state experienced rapid job growth, beating national growth figures every month Eagle led the agency.
Eagle flew from the administration at the end of last year, just before new restrictions kicked in on joining lobbying firms. Days later, Eagle announced a new gig at Ballard Partners.
The Eagle family lives in Tallahassee but still has family ties in the Cape Coral area, which Dane represented and where Brooke Eagle once had a medical practice. Eagle helped open a Southwest Florida office for Ballard.