More New York polling shows the Empire State belongs to Donald Trump in the Republican presidential race, with Florida’s Governor well under 10% again.
The Siena College survey conducted from Nov. 11 to Nov. 15 shows 66% of Republican Primary voters in the state want the former President and New York native to win the presidential nomination for a third time, positioning him well to sweep the state’s 91 delegates in its winner-take-all Primary in April.
Only 26% of those polled want someone else, and of that group Ron DeSantis has 26% support, which rounds up to 7% of the overall sample. This showing is consistent with other Sienna College polls, including one from September that found the Governor at 5%.
DeSantis was in New York back in September. He visited a 9/11 commemoration then did an interview on Hannity where he blasted President Joe Biden for not being at the event.
DeSantis has attempted to tailor the socially conservative brand he uses as Governor of Florida for the New York market, listing the state as an example of why he says he doesn’t back a nationwide six-week abortion ban like the Florida Legislature passed this year.
“I think that in states where you’ve had the ability to make improvements and to add pro-life protections, I applaud states that have done that, but we have a big, diverse country. I acknowledge that and I’m not suggesting that somehow New York is necessarily going to follow Iowa’s lead on that. I think you’re going to see differences,” DeSantis said in July on “Fox & Friends.”
Despite the abortion equivocation, the Governor has used New York as a punching bag when courting support elsewhere.
During a recent trip to Iowa, he suggested the city’s tolls on its roads were a scam to enrich “special interests” and the Democratic “machine.”
“I don’t know if you guys have ever driven around New York City. I mean, you can spend, if you go to, you know, a few boroughs, you can spend $60 or $70 on tolls in one day, no questions asked. You definitely can do that,” DeSantis told people in a town with less than 25,000 people near the Illinois border.
DeSantis wasn’t remotely finished, however.
“And yet, these are like the worst roads in America. It’s like, how do you charge that much for tolls and every road? I mean, I get motion sickness just driving on these roads,” DeSantis continued.
“And I think the reason is it goes to special interests. It goes to the Democrat machine and they use it to launder and keep support for the party. That’s where the money is going because I can tell you it’s not going to make the roads better,” DeSantis said.
The Governor used New York City drag queens as a rhetorical target on the campaign trail this summer as well.
“You know, there was a thing, I think it was in New York City. Some of you may have seen it,” DeSantis said. “It was some type of demonstration and they had like these drag queens saying, the chant was, ‘We’re coming for your children.’”
“Let me tell you this, you know, like people, adults, you know, they do. It’s a free country, right? I mean, like, I kind of just, like, you know, mind my own business. But you start coming for our kids, we’ve got problems. And we are going to stand up for our kids,” he continued.
He also was in-state for a book tour stop, at which point protesters and critics supportive of Trump greeted DeSantis in New York, in what seemed to be a sign of things to come.
“Wait until ’28, Ron; wait until ’28,” one jeered.
Soon after that, former New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin endorsed Trump, despite DeSantis campaigning with him last year.
Impeach Biden
November 20, 2023 at 8:58 am
Is this web site paid for by the Democrat Party? Nothing but hit piece after hit piece on DeSantis. I’ll bet every author here is a registered Democrat. Like reading the editorial section of the People’s Paper of South Florida.
Impeach Biden
November 20, 2023 at 9:17 am
Gancarski is obviously a contributor to the Democrat Party. My previous post was censored by The Demo party as well. This is a rag web site much like the Sun-Sentinel.
Love Biden
November 20, 2023 at 1:14 pm
And yet you can’t stop reading it and posting your inane comments. You must enjoy being angry.
November 21, 2023 at 9:43 am
Your previous post is directly above the post where you claim it was censored. As I’ve pointed out before, when you post something, look to see if it is automatically labeled “awaiting moderation.” That’s a random selection being made. Wait a day and look again and 99% of the time your original posting will appear.
My Take
November 24, 2023 at 7:59 am
I think it’s automated but not totally random.
Sometimes I think I see a word it doesn’t know how to judge that may have triggered it.
But other times, no hint, and maybe those are random.
I’d like to know how it works, just out of curiosity.
If this were a news-link-rich site and I were the moderator, I’d want every legit news site prefix precleared automatically: abc, bbc, cnn, voa, and a score or more others.
A link seems always to trigger it.
Michael K
November 20, 2023 at 11:38 am
And like, you know, stuff. I mean, kind of, sort of like, you know. I mean, like, I kind of just, like, you know.
A Magic Eight Ball gives better answers.
Beverly Brevity
November 20, 2023 at 1:18 pm
And does so with far fewer words. I swear the two biggest blowhards in Florida are Ron DeSantis and Earl Pitts.
Earl Pitts "The New Brief Posting" American
November 20, 2023 at 7:15 pm
Thanks Beloved Bevs,
I’m seriously going to do some really hard work at trying to please you by totally turning over a new leaf in the area of more brief postings. Even more importantly I am going to anticipate your wants, needs, and desires in order to provide for you before you ask.
You will be really really proud of me this time!!!!
Thank you beloved ♥ Beverly ♥,
Earl Pitts American
rick whitaker
November 24, 2023 at 10:05 am
is the new earl shitts as lame and out of touch as the old earl shitts? is the new earl shitts as obsessed with potty humor as the old earl shitts? does the new earl shitts think that desantis is fit to be president? if the answer to any of these 3 questions is yes, then i guess the new earl shitts is the same as the old earl shitts.
Earl Pitts "♥ for Bev's" American
November 24, 2023 at 4:31 pm
Thanks for all you do Rick to elevate my, Earl Pitts American’s, standing as the #1 Go-To-Poster for Sage Wisdom and Political Knowledge.
This is a “Love ♥ thing between Earl and the Incredibly Alluring Beverly Brevity of my ♥ ♥ ♥.
Thank you Rick for helping Good ‘Ole Earl hook-up with the 😍 love 😍 of his life, The Beautiful Beverly Brevity Pitts American.
You truly are a good friend Rick.
November 20, 2023 at 1:34 pm
NewsSquirt out of New York: 66% of GOP voters in the Empire State are morons, but only 7% of them are idiots. Looked at another way, most of them are proud that native son Donald honed his grifting skills on them before taking his show on the road, while very few of them think DeSantis is a believable, worthwhile liar.
Tough crowd.
My Take
November 20, 2023 at 2:15 pm
The dreg you know is less risk than the dreg you don’t know.
November 20, 2023 at 11:02 pm
” … these are like the worst roads in America. ”
Next he’ll be selling bridges to waterfront property in Florida.
My Take
November 20, 2023 at 11:29 pm
The dreg DeSSantis will become largely forgotten by the public–with “woke” and drag queens the main rare cues–but he will not be forgotten by history, especially political history. Heads will shakè and scholars will laugh a century from now over this loser’s disasterous campaign. But even they won’t be able to fully comprehend the bottom-of-the-barrel supporters. Too much will have changed.
My Take
November 23, 2023 at 7:19 pm
DeSScùttled has done everything but the obvious now ìn his failed campaign:
My Take
November 23, 2023 at 8:49 pm
Even if he can’t be too critical politically, he can use personal slights to trigger and unhinged response:
The now‐a-trifle Trump, the failed former-Forbeser (though that based on liès and fraud), who ònce swaggered on à world-class stage–mighty Manhattan–is being cut ďown to size ànd reduced to a laughingstock!
My Take
November 24, 2023 at 1:33 am
Putin Loves Trump
(He of a weird fringe of Catholicism)
Netanyahu Loves Ttump
(He a notorious nonChristian)
And Their Master, Satan, Loves Trump
(Target this simple message to the evangelicals)
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