The Lincoln Project, a group established by a group of anti-Donald Trump Republican operatives, is out with its first ad supporting Vice President Kamala Harris for President.
The ad comes less than 24 hours after President Joe Biden announced that he would not accept the Democratic Party’s nomination and would no longer seek re-election. Following his announcement, Biden endorsed his Vice President as his successor, unleashing a flurry of other support from congressional Democrats, Democratic Governors and even state delegations to the Democratic National Committee.
The ad opens similarly to the way those Harris endorsers approached news of Biden’s withdrawal — with thanks and admiration for our nation’s current Commander in Chief.
“No one wanted it this way,” a gruff-voiced narrator begins over footage of Biden meeting with constituents flashing his token smile. “Joe Biden is a good man, a good American, a great President.”
But, it continues, “time and the burden of the office means it’s time to step aside, to put a warrior into the political arena ready to take on Donald Trump, to face up to the un-American plan Trump and Project 2025 will impose.”
That warrior, the group says, is Harris.
“Vice President Kamala Harris is ready, experienced, and as a tough prosecutor, Kamala Harris dealt with men like Trump all the time — rapists, con men, frauds, criminals,” the narrator continues, comparing Trump to such nefarious bad actors.
“She’s used to guys like Trump, used to putting them in their place.”
The ad then pivots to footage of Harris speaking during a rally.
“Do we believe in opportunity?” she asks to a roaring “yes” from the crowd. “Do we believe in the promise of America?”
The ad ends on what supporters will no doubt view as a hopeful note, complete with a change in background music to a more serene tune.
“Kamala Harris will bring something to Trump he’s rarely seen: Justice.”
The Lincoln Project, launched initially to oppose Trump, has become one of the nation’s leading pro-democracy organizations. Its mission is to preserve, protect and defend democracy, and its work targets any candidate or official who threatens it.
In a press release announcing the ad Monday morning, the group wrote that “Harris is the warrior America needs to soundly defeat Donald Trump and Project 2025.” Project 2025 is a more than 900-page platform created by the conservative Heritage Foundation and other aligned groups, including many who have worked in Trump’s orbit.
Trump himself has denied any affiliation to the platform, but his vice presidential pick, U.S. Sen. JD Vance, wrote a foreword for Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts’ book, “Dawn’s Early Light: Burning Down Washington to Save America.” He called it “a bold new vision for the future of conservatism in America,” according to Newsweek.
While Trump continues to distance himself from Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation created it as a blueprint for his next term as President should he secure victory later this year. It calls for the elimination of numerous agencies and the expansion of executive power, and would increase the number of political appointees to jobs historically held in an apolitical way that spans various presidencies and political ideologies.
Democrats have blasted the plan as seeking to create authoritarian dystopia that would feed into what is often described as Trump’s dictator-like tendencies.
The Lincoln Project ad is the group’s second public statement since Biden announced he was suspending his re-election campaign. Its first statement, issued Monday after Biden’s announcement, focused solely on praising the President and vowing to continue its work fighting Trump.
“We now turn to the target from which the Lincoln Project has never wavered; the political defeat of Donald Trump and the destruction of his autocratic movement,” Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson said. “The felon Donald Trump is a malicious criminal, a gibbering serial liar, and a corrupt autocrat primed for a wipe defeat this fall.”
Michael K
July 22, 2024 at 10:23 am
Once again, the Lincoln Project nails it.
July 22, 2024 at 11:00 am
Nails it is correct, into VP Harris’ political coffin.
Michael K
July 22, 2024 at 11:07 pm
Check back on November 6.
Demo Comedy Show
July 22, 2024 at 11:55 am
Demo spin machine spooling up. Nothing has changed since the Joe Biden coverup.
Paul Passarelli
July 22, 2024 at 1:02 pm
Democrats are done for the rest of the decade, probably the 2030s, and hopefully well into the 2040s!
It won’t be until the the feckless Boomers that were brainwashed and indoctrinated are dead & buried that the party has a snowball’s chance in hell. And by then it won’t matter.
marian blake
July 22, 2024 at 3:51 pm
Don’t cash your chickens before they are hatched.
so much hate, so much divisiveness, why not bring the country together without violent behavior. Because someone disagrees with you, you can not force your beliefs on them. it reminds me of an arranged marriage when the girl is not in love with the boy her parents choose for her.
Paul Passarelli
July 22, 2024 at 6:31 pm
Well, if that’s not a non sequitur, I’ve never heard one.
I’ve got news for you, it’s the Leftists, the Democrats, the Progressive-Socialists, antifa, BLM, occupy wall street, LGBT+QRSTUV…, etc crowd that are violent and call for violence.
The Left are the ones *FORCING* the rest of us to accept their beliefs. But here’s the rub, the Leftist activists are actually cowards & degenerates.
As for the arranged marriage scenario, well, first it’s invariably a man & a woman, as it is in your example. And second, it’s typically the bride’s family that are the ones to seek out the contract. The goal is to marry a daughter off to a wealthy man that’ll take care of her and her family should the eventuality arise. Sometimes it’s much higher-brow, political unions between sovereigns, or mafia dons, but that’s *really* rare these days.
July 23, 2024 at 4:23 pm
Well, truly Sir, most of the world would like to see trump and his lot go away for good…so there’s that! Cheers.
Paul Passarelli
July 23, 2024 at 5:09 pm
Are you really a Kathy, or just another alias.
Best I can figure there are 4-5 actual hateful posters that make up most of the noise here.
But, every once and a while when the battle is lost you bring out one new ‘voice’ that is meant to appear soft & yielding, apologetic even.
I really with the WordPress settings were a lot stricter and maintained a unique subtitle on the alias that always pointed back to the unique MAC address or some other ID of the poster. But the left likes that idea about as much as they like Voter ID!
July 23, 2024 at 5:31 pm
No alias, just Kathy. Cheers🇨🇦
Paul Passarelli
July 23, 2024 at 11:50 pm
Hmmm. The I find the Canadian flag, troubling. Not because I have an issue with Canada or Canadians (other then the fool Prime Minister). But I do wonder why a Canadian, or any other foreigner for that matter, would take interest in a Left-wing political forum, except for pay, of deep rooted resentment of America & Americans. Are we not sending enough cash & foreign aid?
Those of us posters that have rejected the Blue Kool-ade tend to question why so damn many Lefties are stirring the shit in the various American Political fora.
So you’ll forgive me if I say I don’t believe your denial of being an alias, a fabrication, a cipher.
If you find my lack of civility or credulity insulting, then I have succeeded. Furthermore I will tell you that the disrespect has been earned by the Lefty posters that have demonstrated their cowardice & duplicity. First by hiding, and second by digging into my past and all but doxing me here in this forum.
But that’s OK, because I’m proud of my reputation back in CT, and my decision to move to FL. In five years not a single one of my detractors has proven that they are US Citizens, Floridians, or even simple patriots. And so I label them Useful Idiots under the influence of George Soros.
OK, that was highly accusatory, but well earned accusations nonetheless. Just a few more questions:
1) Are you of Canadian ancestry and living in Florida? That at least would make it reasonable for your sudden & unsolicited participation in this thread. 2) Absent that, why are you here?
rick whitaker
July 26, 2024 at 5:45 pm
PAUL PASSARELLI, you silly man, you know kool ade only comes in orange or red.
Flash Light
July 22, 2024 at 4:34 pm
The Repubs continue to demean and discount women in this election. It’s 2024, in the 21st century. The women’s turnout will be huge. Also, Dems are building coalitions across all demographics that represent how America will look in the future. The bullying and bluster by Repubs is useless – it is that party that borders on extinction.
July 22, 2024 at 5:05 pm
Trump is trying to hide his extreme agenda Project 2025, the Republican plan for CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST THEOCRACY:
BAN contraceptives, BAN abortion with NO exceptions, BAN IVF, BAN no-fault divorce, BAN travel for abortion, BAN books, track women’s fertility and reproductive functions, surveillance of women’s travel, and more!
Trump=Project 2025
Josh Green
July 22, 2024 at 9:27 pm
This is why i’ve never let me kids see the inside of a church.
Christianity has become a sick and disgusting cult that hates Freedom and hates traditional American values.
July 23, 2024 at 5:03 pm
You don’t have to attend a church to be a Christian person…but perhaps this is where you are going with this…when so called evangelicals holding bibles, vote for a character like Trump, you begin to question the hypocrisy of it all. It is mind boggling for sure.
rick whitaker
July 26, 2024 at 5:47 pm
josh, christianity has been a dominating cult for over 2000 years now, this is nothing new.
Ocean Joe
July 22, 2024 at 7:24 pm
Somebody under 60!
William Robbins
July 22, 2024 at 7:35 pm
This ad, like all Lincoln Projects ads is meaningless. All you need to do is change some graphics and the names and you can use it for any politician you want.
Phil Morton
July 22, 2024 at 8:31 pm
This ad doesn’t fit any of the politicians I know. Of course I know mostly Democratic politicians.
rick whitaker
July 26, 2024 at 5:51 pm
william robbins, sounds like the lp ads worked well on you., you are shook by them. good, that means it’s money well spent
Dr. Franklin Waters
July 22, 2024 at 9:25 pm
Trump is a huge fan of Kamala.
He donated $5,000 to her in 2011 while she was running for California Attorney General. Ivanka donated $2,000.
It’ll be funny to watch the MAGA heads explode once they learn that.
July 31, 2024 at 11:58 am
Great ad.
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