Donald Trump is heading into the presidential race’s home stretch with a 6-point lead over Kamala Harris in the Sunshine State, newly released polling figures show.
Part of that has to do with Florida Republicans’ voter registration lead of more than 1 million over Democrats. But pollsters found that it also has to do with there being more Democrats in the state who are planning to vote for Trump than Republicans here who intend to vote for Harris.
Jacksonville-based Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy interviewed 625 likely voters by phone Oct. 1-4 on behalf of NBC 6 and Telemundo 51. The firm randomly selected whom it called from a phone-matched Florida voter registry and assigned quotas to voter turnout by county.
Statewide, pollsters found Trump has 49% support among likely voters compared to 43% who are backing Harris. Eight percent remain undecided or say they will cast ballots for another candidate.
A larger share of Democrats (7%) say they plan to vote for Trump instead of their party’s candidate. Just 4% of Republicans say the same about Harris.
Among independents, 45% say they supported Harris, 41% side with Trump, 10% are undecided and 4% plan to vote for someone else.
Trump performs far better with men than Harris does with women. The former President leads with men by 18 points (55%-47%), while Harris leads with women by just 5 points (49%-44%).
Counter to the findings of a Marist Poll conducted at around the same time that found Trump leading among young voters and trailing with older ones, Mason-Dixon found Harris leads by 1 point with voters 18-49, while Trump leads by 4 points with voters 50-64 and by 10 points with 65-and-older voters.
Trump is also ahead by 19 points with White voters, while Harris holds a massive 66-point lead with Black voters. The margin is far closer with Hispanics, among whom 47% prefer Trump compared to 42% who like Harris better
Regionally, Mason-Dixon found that only Southeast Florida was siding with the Vice President (53%-36%). The next-closest area in the state was Central Florida, where 42% of respondents say they’ll be picking Harris compared to 48% who say the same about Trump.
The poll had a 4-percentage-point margin of error and 95% accuracy. Subgroups, such as gender or age, had higher margins of error.
Results from the most recent Mason-Dixon survey follow several others in the past month that indicated the ex-President is the odds-on favorite to win Florida on Nov. 5. They included the aforementioned poll by Marist, which placed Trump 4 points ahead of Harris; a New York Times poll showing Harris 14 points behind; a Victory Insights survey in which Trump held a 2-point lead; and an Independent Center poll where Trump led Harris by just 1 point.
Another by Morning Consult found the candidates were in a statistical tie.
60 minutes is fake
October 14, 2024 at 3:22 pm
Once again I get deleted from the CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NYT, even The View and others when I speak the truth. There is no freedom of speech in the USA as these media outlets and others are completely controlled by the fake media that basically runs this country. Only the free thinkers of us out there can see through this garbage. Kammy is an idiot. Don’t forget that.
October 14, 2024 at 4:08 pm
You’re out of your mind. Afraid of a little fact-checking are we? You are a bunch of sick wads.
A day without Libturds
October 15, 2024 at 3:35 pm
Who fact checks the fact checkers dumb fuk?
Jenny Yasi
October 15, 2024 at 6:49 pm
This speech by Gov. Walz about their planned policies to help bring money to rural farmers really changed the way I see Walz. https://www.youtube.com/live/3vljdOu_tlk?si=YbDSt1X5vxRPImJN
Billy Rotberg
October 14, 2024 at 3:31 pm
Harris is a train wreck. Only bothered to call desantis because she’s running for office. Never called before. Such bs.
October 14, 2024 at 3:54 pm
So what? Given the shit that went down here the last 2 years, I’m not sure anyone gives a sh!t, as long as they can get their houses back together.
You would whine if someone hung you with a new rope.
A day without Libturds
October 15, 2024 at 3:46 pm
You care JD. That’s why you responded with the usual trash possum garbage can defender nonsense.
yew oweme
October 15, 2024 at 11:37 pm
BILLY BOY, why would a fine person like harris want to call a freak like desantis for? she called him because she had to. are you that stupid.
October 14, 2024 at 4:10 pm
Trump, with his vile rambling diatribes, is essentially putting targets on the backs of anyone he dislikes.
Unfortunately, there are people who regard Trump’s words as their own “marching orders.” This is INCITEMENT, and Trump knows it. This is Trump stirring up violence (see/hear January 6 videos for confirmation) again. And we all know where this can lead.
October 14, 2024 at 4:18 pm
It’s called stochastic terrorism and it needs to be vetted on criteria so shit like that is illegal.
Or remove the protection from section 230 of the communications decency act. If social media and blogs were liable for user generated content, the shit would stop.
A day without Libturds
October 15, 2024 at 3:43 pm
Sounds a bit fashy. I think antifa should punch you in the face.
The Sage "E"
October 14, 2024 at 4:29 pm
Good evening America,
I would like to take a moment of my precious time to thank myself for my genius outreach to our Great Nations Beloved “Un-Decided Voters”.
What I attribute my great success in bringing up these polling numbers for Trump is being nice and civil as I reached out to our Great Nations Beloved “Un-Decided Voters”.
I, The Sage “E”, thank myself, The Sage “E”, for single handly saving America from a second term of The Harris “FAILED” Administration.
I have always looked up to myself and have seen myself as my biggest fan,
The Sage “E”
October 14, 2024 at 5:12 pm
Anyone voting for Trump is voting for Fascism. Look up the definition. He has told us his plans . What happened to never again. Shame on Floridians if you go this way.
October 14, 2024 at 7:18 pm
Thank you Kat,
I suspect that you need to follow my, The Sage “E” [ECONOMICS PROFFESOR]’s, postings of Sage Wisdom to get your mind out of the 1960’s and get yourself skooled in modern political happenings by drinking in all of my Sage Political Wisdom.
Thanks, Kat, for reaching out,
60 minutes is fake
October 15, 2024 at 2:03 am
You obviously flunked Political Science. We do not have that form of government here in the United States and we will never have it here. I don’t know where you get your news from but it is obviously fake.
October 15, 2024 at 2:54 pm
I get my fake news from Fox and Trump. I think these are your resources also 60 Minutes.
A day without Libturds
October 15, 2024 at 3:38 pm
And the Biden laptop is Russian propaganda, right dumb fuk?
October 14, 2024 at 7:38 pm
Good evening everyone,
I’ve put out an “Amber Alert” to all the hotel/motels in the Nashville, Tennessee area to be on the look out for my older brother “YEW OWEME” [FKA RICK WHITTAKER] as he’s been missing from posting here since Wednesday of last week.
Usually he will check himself into a seedy motel run by the India or Packi folk on “The Wrong Side Of Town to drink his troubles away and have “Scrumpy Time” with the “Ladies Of The Night”.
You all know what he looks like so just notify me if you see him.
Even though hes always been mean to me I will be glad to go and capture him again and strap him down to his bed at home so his lovely wife can sober him up in time for the Christmas Holidays…we do this almost every year….let me know if you see him please,
Rick and Zed's gay man sex emporium
October 15, 2024 at 4:17 pm
I sure hope Rick didn’t run into Marcellus Wallace like his partner Zed. At least his gimp JD is still around.
October 15, 2024 at 8:22 pm
Most likely Rick became aware around Wednesday of last week that “Scrumpy Kammey” has Zero chance of being POTUS and is on a drunken sex, drugs, & Rock & Roll bender. He will eventually show up.
Most likely in a week or so.
yew oweme
October 15, 2024 at 11:30 pm
EARL, you were a hardcore racist and chauvinist the last time i read one of your posts, yeah, you’re still the same ahole.
Phil Morton
October 15, 2024 at 6:11 am
As long as the Trump supporters get out and vote on January 5th everything will be fine.
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