Former Miami-Dade Commissioner Juan Zapata is going against his former political party and endorsing Democrat Annette Taddeo for county Clerk and Comptroller.
Taddeo’s campaign announced the support of Zapata, a Republican-turned-independent who sat on the County Commission from 2012 to 2016 and previously served in the House for four terms.
Zapata, the first Colombian American elected to the House and County Commission, said in a statement that he is “proud to endorse” Taddeo, a fellow Colombian American, former Senator and past Chair of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party.
“This election for Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts and Comptroller isn’t about partisan politics, it’s about delivering accountability to the people of Miami-Dade efficiently with trust, transparency, and a proven ability to protect how our money is spent,” he said.
“Throughout our friendship of over 20 years, Annette and I have worked together in and out of politics where she has repeatedly cast partisanship and special interests to the side while focusing on delivering real results and fighting for our community.”
The nod from Zapata joins others from several local elected officials, local faith leaders, AFSCME Florida, United Teachers of Dade, Latino Victory Fund, Ruth’s List Florida, SAVE Action PAC, the South Florida AFL-CIO and a few SEIU chapters.
She said in a statement that she is “truly honored’ to receive an endorsement from Zapata, who last year left the Republican Party after decades of membership, public records show.
“Public service is about putting our residents first, always. Throughout my career I have worked with Republicans, Independents, and Democrats to deliver results for the people of Miami-Dade,” she said.
“I will bring that same spirit of nonpartisan leadership to the Clerk and Comptroller’s Office, and focus on implementing policies and reforms that lift up our residents all over Miami-Dade.”
Taddeo served in the Senate from 2017 to 2022, when she mounted an unsuccessful campaign for Congress.
Taddeo is running to unseat former Republican Rep. Juan Fernandez-Barquin, whom Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed as Clerk last year.
No-party candidate Rubin Young has also qualified to run as a write-in candidate.
The General Election is on Nov. 5.