As Florida government contends with a new rise in daily cases of COVID-19, debate about lockdown orders has started anew.
Many local jurisdictions already had local restrictions in place or going into effect. Florida Politics has maintained a running compilation of local orders and restrictions, sorted by county and city. As cities and counties bring orders into effect or take them offline, this roundup will be maintained to reflect local regulations.
A separate roundup of how coastal communities have handled access to Florida’s beaches is available here. Another focused on mask orders can be read here.
Reopening Status: Phase Two
Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Florida entered Phase Two of its reopening plan on June 5. That means bars and movie theaters can reopen at 50% capacity and casinos can submit reopening plans through a process similar to theme parks. A number of personal services like tattoo parlors and tanning salons can also reopen, and crowds of 50 or less can gather. Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties will not automatically move to Phase Two but may submit plans to the Governor’s Office on taking the step.
More details on reopening phases can be found in a slideshow at the bottom of this post.
The Governor previously announced a phased reopening of Florida commerce could begin as of May 4. Then, he left a stay-at-home order in effect for Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties. Palm Beach, which has the least number of COVID-19 cases of the three, was allowed to enter Phase One reopening on May 11. Broward and Miami-Dade were moved into Phase One on May 18. Initial Phase One restrictions included statewide 25% occupancy limits and restaurants and retailers, and gyms and bars are not yet open. But DeSantis announced that beginning May 18, those limits increased to 50% and gyms will be allowed to open with social distancing guidelines in place.
DeSantis has made clear local governments will be able to impose local restrictions, as many were already doing for DeSantis issued a statewide order. DeSantis’ safer-at-home order for the entire state allowed only essential activities and services. It went into effect on April 3 and will remain in effect in the remaining two South Florida counties until further notice.
Essential activities listed in the executive order include attending religious services, taking care of pets, or caring for friends and family, among others. The original order set a baseline for the state, meaning more restrictive local orders, including curfews, remained in effect while local orders with looser requirements were superseded.
Alachua County: Phase Two order
Alachua County as of June 10 has its full Phase Two order in place. The community had a recovery order in place as of May 4 that still restricts use of public facilities including all parks and gathering spaces. It urges at-risk populations to continue to stay at home. The county previously ordered all nonessential businesses to cease and residents to stay at home except for essential activity. The order went into effect March 24 . The order allowed essential businesses to remain open, including medical providers, grocery stores, hardware stores and restaurants. It allows individuals to go outside, but parks and all places of public assembly are closed.
Bay County: Government facility
Libraries and lobbies were closed effective March 24 in the county. Libraries will remain closed until at least June 12.
Brevard County: Government offices reopening
Government offices in the county opened to the public Monday, but with face mask and social distancing requirements enforced on premises, Florida Today reports. The first space launch since the start of the pandemic also happened at Cape Canaveral.
Broward County: Phase One
The county has entered a limited Phase One reopening as of May 18, Local 10 reports. County Administrator Bertha Henry said the county will have restrictions — bowling alleys remain closed until June 8 for example — even as Gov. DeSantis moved the rest of Florida into Phase Two reopening. Hair salons and other personal services are allowed. Hotels, motels and commercial lodging came back online on May 22. As of May 26, beaches, hotels and gyms opened, NBC 6 South Florida reported. County leaders began the process of opening parks and public facilities for some passive trails starting April 29, reports Local 10. Broward Mayor Dale Holness said social distancing will still be enforced. Before the statewide order, Gov.DeSantis on March 30 issued a safer-at-home order impacting only Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach counties. County officials implemented an order that went into effect March 27 directing residents to stay inside unless getting food, traveling to or from work, or addressing an emergency, according to the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.
Charlotte County: Burn Ban
The County Commission has maintained a burn ban ahead of July 4 celebrations, as the pandemic cancelled mass gatherings. Charlotte County Administrator Hector Flores issued a safer-at-home directive urging residents to limit travel and personal interactions to a defined list of essential work and activities. But that has been easing recently, with beaches now open. County Commissioners on May 5 passed an ordinance allowing restaurants to expand outdoor dining into parking lots.
Clay County: Government closures
County officials closed parks, but have largely reopened parks them except for playgrounds. Limited access to government buildings is available by appointment.
Collier County: No local stay-at-home order
Collier County Commissioners reached out to Lee County leaders about developing a stay-at-home order in effect region-wide. But the board met March 27 to a stay-at-home order and chose not to implement it. Instead, Collier will follow the lead of Gov. Ron DeSantis, barring an unforeseen change in circumstances.
Duval County: Safer-at-home lifted, Work-from-home lifted
Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry launched a plan to reopen the area on April 30. On May 4, most local restrictions on lodging and beach hours will be lifted, though a statewide ban on short-term rentals is still in place for the moment. A ban on outdoor dining was lifted on May 7. Beaches have now opened for all uses. Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens opens on May 9. A task force has been put in place to discuss easing local restrictions. Curry previously issued a safer-at-home order that largely mirrored an order implemented in South Florida counties by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The Mayor said the order prohibits individuals from going to nonessential businesses. A work-at-home order Curry previously put in place, and which remained in effect until May 18, stated any business with the ability to have employees work from home must do so, according to Fox 30. That order took originally effect on March 24.
Franklin County: Social distancing guidelines
The County Commission approved a formal ordinance that closed beaches and gathering places, and which strongly recommended the following of social distancing guidelines.
Gadsden County: Stay-at-home order, curfew
County Commissioners on March 27 held an emergency meeting and issued a stay-at-home order, instructing residents not to leave except for essential activities including buying groceries and purchasing gas, according to WTXL. A curfew went into effect the same night from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sheriff Morris Young warned those in violation could be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor. Most recently, the county ordered residents to begin wearing cloth masks while in public, according to WCTV. But the face requirement was lifted on May 15.
Hernando County: Government closures
No sheltering order or curfew has been set, but public parks and libraries are closed, according to WUSF.
Hillsborough County: Safer-at-home order lifted
The Hillsborough County Emergency Policy Group rescinded its local stay-at-home order effective May 4 at 12:01 a.m., when DeSantis’ new state directives go into effect. The group previously approved a safer-at-home order that went into effect on March 27. The order required all residents and open businesses to maintain the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on social distancing, including maintaining a six-foot distance from others. Any businesses considered nonessential that could not meet that requirement would be forced to close. Examples of businesses that will not be able to operate under the county’s order include things like, hair and nail salons, barbershops and hair stylists, massage parlors and alternations. Officials elected not to implement a curfew at this time. enacted but quickly scrapped a curfew that ran April 13 through 15. All parks are closed, but the county will also reopen most of those facilities on May 4.
Indian River County: Government restrictions.
The county has issued its own set of guidelines and requirements. That includes requiring temperature checks for county employees returning to the workplace.
Lake County: Vulnerable population restrictions
County Commissioners put in place an order urging all at-risk populations, including those with underlying medical conditions, to stay at home. Social distancing at businesses will be monitored.
Lee County: Surgeon General warning
County Commissioners have opened local trails and parks for hiking and active uses, and signaled beach openings could come soon, reports the Fort Myers News-Press. County Commissioners elected not to adopt a local stay-at-home work order, but encourage social distancing. Commissioners on March 30 adopted a resolution endorsing recommendations from the Florida Surgeon General related to social distancing and why older residents and those with underlying health conditions should stay-at-home. The board ultimately was poised to consider a stay-at-home order the same day DeSantis issued statewide direction. Lee County Commissioners voted to reopen beaches April 29 at sunrise. That includes parking lots and with regular hours. Social distancing will be enforced.
Leon County: Reopening plan underway, curfew lifted
Leon County officials voted on May 20 to move ahead with a three-phase reopening plan, according to Tallahassee Reports. Businesses can run with 50% capacity, parks and parks are open with limits on some uses. Residents were previously ordered to stay-at-home starting. March 25. But Leon Commissioners lifted the curfew on May 4, which had been in place since March 25, and to begin easing programs and services open again, WTXL reports. The prior order order “strongly encourages” people not conducting essential activities to stay at home. But people could still go to work, obtain necessary supplies, do outdoor recreation and help the health and safety of others. Face masks are strongly recommended.
Manatee County: Curfew lifted
The Manatee County Commission on April 21 lifted a curfew that had been in place for 18 days, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reported. That will stay in effect at least until Tuesday. The curfew, which went into effect April 3, would still allow for essential travel, defined as going to work or shopping for food, medicine or essential supplies. The order comes after commissioners said residents were still holding large gatherings at night. Previously, commissioners voted to close boat ramps on March 26, according to ABC-7. But boat ramps are open again as of April 13, the Bradenton Herald reports.
Martin County: Parks reopen with restrictions
County parks and recreational facilities mostly reopened as of May 1, but use of playgrounds and some other equipment remained unavailable, a water park only allows lap swimming and social distancing is being enforced. The county previously enacted a safer-at-home order that went into effect on April 4, according to WBPF. The order was similar to one in neighboring St. Lucie County.
Miami-Dade County: Enforced Phase One reopening, face mask rule
As the county with the highest infection rate saw a new spike, Mayor Carlos Giménez said enforcement will step up around reopenings. That could include shutting down businesses not following capacity restrictions and local regulations, the Associated Press reports. But previously, he asked permission for gyms to be opened with full capacity, similar to Phase Two counties. On June 8, dance studios, gyms (with 50% capacity limits), short-term vacation rentals and summer camps reopened. Giménez began unwinding a local stay-at-home order and moved into limited Phase One business reopening on May 18, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports. The Miami Zoo reopened on June 1. The county already reopened many parks for passive uses starting April 29, according to Local 10. Giménez previously signed a safer-at-home order requiring all individuals to stay-at-home except to engage in essential activities such as grocery shopping or to address emergencies. Gov.DeSantis on March 30 issued a safer-at-home order modeled off that existing directive that impacted Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach counties. On March 31, DeSantis extended the order to say essential businesses such as supermarkets and pharmacies could only allow half their normal occupancy and must provide ample hand sanitizer and wipes. The original Miami-Dade order went into effect on March 26. Giménez previously ordered all beaches, parks and nonessential commercial and retail businesses closed. The order makes clear it sets a minimum threshold and that other jurisdictions within the county may impose further restrictions, and several including Miami and Miami Beach have done so. The county has a face masks requirement it put in place April 9.
Monroe County: Recovery order
County officials confirmed that travel restrictions including blockading U.S. 1 to limit access to the islands to residents and authorized workers lifted as of June 1. That opens the islands to outsiders for the first time since March 22. Non-essential businesses have already opened concurrent with Gov. DeSantis’ statewide directions on occupancy and social distancing. Sanitation supplies are required. Employees at businesses must wear face masks. That includes . Restrictions have been in effect since March 22. Gov. Ron DeSantis on March 30 issued a safer-at-home order modeled off Miami-Dade County’s existing directive that impacted Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach counties. But Monroe never experienced the outbreak of the other three and re-opened on May 4 for Phase One along with most of the state.
Nassau County: Travel restrictions
County Commissioners issued a local quarantine order for individuals from Louisiana along with tracking restrictions at registered lodging. That followed isolation and screening requirements enacted March 24 for travelers flying from New York, New Jersey or Connecticut to enter a required 14-day quarantine, according to News4Jax. That would be a stricter order than restrictions on just those coming by plane put in place by Gov. DeSantis.
Okaloosa County: Business restrictions
The order still allows licensed saltwater fishing. The county has also encouraged pharmacies to set up window service and special hours before opening to serve customers over 60 years old.
Orange County: Entering Phase Two
Mayor Jerry Demings issued a stay-at-home order that went into effect at 11 p.m. March 26. But the community gradually moved into Phase One reopenings, with Demings even requesting the state to allow barbers and hair salons to reopen earlier than first envisioned. Orange County’s original lockdown order allowed people to shop for food, medicines and other essentials or to work at jobs for essential businesses that cannot be done from home. Nonessential retail and commercial businesses were ordered closed. Orange County’s order allowed people to go for walks, ride bikes and such, but not in groups. Penalties for violating the order include $50 fines and up to 60 days in jail.
Osceola County: Mask rules
A curfew in Osceola has been lifted. Osceola County’s emergency decision-making policy group approved an order for all nonessential retail and commercial businesses to close, and for all residents to stay home from nonessential travel. This order took effect at 11 p.m., March 26. The order means that the entirety of Osceola County is ordered to stay-at-home as much as possible, with exceptions for businesses and travel deemed “essential.” Law enforcement may impose $500 fines on groups gathering in violation and may arrest people, according to News 6. Law enforcement will disperse groups of 10 or more and can issue $500 fines or arrest those in violation. The order closely mirrors one in effect in neighboring Orange County. The county also requires individuals to wear face masks in public, News 6 reports.
Palm Beach County: Phase One reopening
Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Palm Beach County could enter Phase One reopening of non-essential businesses beginning on May 11. Palm Beach County commissioners on May 5 sent a letter to Gov. DeSantis requesting that the county, which has the third highest number of cases in Florida. Parks and recreational facilities began opening again on April 29, reports CBS 12. DeSantis on March 30 issued a safer-at-home order that impactedPalm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties. That order shut down noncritical retail and commercial business locations, including all movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys, arcades, gymnasiums and fitness studios. It was issued March 20. County Commissioners have also closed all noncritical businesses, according to The Palm Beach Post.
Pasco County: Social distancing recommendations
The county does not have any type of sheltering order or curfew in place but has recommended individuals use electronic checkout of library materials, according to the WUSF.
Pinellas County: Safer-at-home order lifted
Pinellas County Commissioners extended a state of emergency but lifted a safer-at-home ordinance, WFLA reports. As of May 28, restrictions on pools were lifted, and county officials voted to reopen park playgrounds. The county previously approved a safer-at-home order that went into effect March 26permitting people to patronize essential businesses such as grocery stores, pharmacies, banks and gas stations. They also can patronize any nonessential businesses that attest to adhering to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards for social distancing. Beaches are currently closed, but are set to reopen, with some restrictions, on May 4 at 7 a.m.
Polk County: Social distancing recommendations
No curfew or shelter orders have been issued, but government services including libraries are promoting curbside service, according to the WUSF. Parks remain closed but will open on a trial basis on May 1, The Ledger reports.
Sarasota County: no stay at home order
The county has closed its beaches, a top tourism driver, since March 21. But the Sarasota County Attorney’s Office advised commissioners don’t have the legal right to issue a stay-at-home order with further restrictions than those already ordered by DeSantis, according to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. The board and local jurisdictions ultimately awaited the Governor’s order and have followed those restrictions. Parks and beaches are open to restricted uses, but parking lots are closed at the beaches.
Seminole County: Social distancing order
Beginning on March 30, a social distancing order will individuals at all businesses, including grocery stores, to remain six feet apart at all times, according to News 6. That includes checkout lines. Stores can only have 30% occupancy rates.Requirements were renewed in a fresh order in effect as of May 4.
Sumter County: Phase One reopening
The county had been put on lockdown shortly before Gov. DeSantis issues his statewide order but has followed along with reopening in Phase One. Libraries and government offices reopened on May 4, Villages News reports. On March 31, the county best known as home to the bulk of The Villages, issued a stay-at-home order, but officials made clear it allows outdoor physical activity, including golf, so long as it adheres to social distancing guidelines.
St. Lucie County: Business restrictions
Guidance that businesses that cannot adhere to social distancing should close remains in effect as of May 1. The county issued a safer-at-home order that goes into effect April 3 and lasted through April 24. The order allowed for essential activities such as trips to the grocery, pharmacy and warehouse stores. It also specifically allows individuals to walk pets and take them to the vet and accommodates parents and guardians transporting children in compliance with custody agreements.
St. Johns County: Facilities closures
In addition to the Governor’s order, St. Johns County, the City of St. Augustine, and the City of St. Augustine Beach all extended facility closures and program cancellations associated with COVID-19 through May 1.
Walton County: Urging easing of restrictions
With two prominent Destin resorts reopening May 15, County Commissioners are asking Gov. DeSantis to accelerate lifting a statewide ban on vacation rentals, the Northwest Florida Daily News reports.
Volusia County: Facilities closures
Major venues and attractions like Ocean Center, the Marine Science Center and DeBary Hall are closed until further notice will all events canceled.
Aventura: Face mask requirement, safer-at-home order
The city ordered covering of nose and mouth in public as on April 8, on top of a lockdown order. City Manager Ronald Wasson issued a safer-at-home order strongly recommending residents stay in their homes starting March 24. Public and private gatherings outside homes are banned. The order allows government and essential personnel to work, outdoor recreation to continue and personal support activities such as providing care in a home to proceed. Those violating gathering rules could be subject to fines or jail time. The Miami-Dade order now also applies.
Bal Harbour Village: Face mask order, Stay-at-home order
The Miami-Dade village has a stay-at-home order that went into effect March 24 urging residents to remain at home. Miami-Dade County restrictions are also in effect.
Boca Raton: Face mask order, Stay home, stay safe order
The city issues a face mask order on April 9. Mayor Scott Singer ordered all nonessential businesses in town to close, the first Palm County to do so, according to WFLA News Radio. Businesses allowed to remain open include grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants for takeout and delivery only, health care providers and child care centers. Effective March 26, a stay home, stay safe order went into effect barring gatherings of 10 or more, but still allowing several commercial activities.
Cape Coral: Parks reopened
The city previously closed all parks including Coral Oaks Golf Course and a riverfront beach. But as of May5, all those destinations are reopened, WINK News reports.
Coconut Creek: Curfew lifted
Mayor Louis Sarbone on March 20 instituted a curfew from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. but it was repealed on April 28. Park facilities were also reopened to passive uses.
Cooper City: Face mask requirement, Stay-at-home order
The city has ordered residents to stay-at-home, WLRN reports. As of April 10, a face covering requirement is in place for when individuals venture into public. But city parks have been re-opened. Residents leaving have been strongly urged by the city to use facemasks.
Coral Gables: Safer-at-home order, curfew lifted
The city began reopening non-essential businesses as of May 18, and lifted a curfew in place nearly two months, the Miami Herald reports. An order went into effect on the evening of March 25 prohibiting gatherings of any number of people in the city. Only essential retail is open in the city, including groceries, pharmacies, hospitals, gas stations, auto repair, banks, office supply shipping, laundry service and child care. Mayor Raúl Valdés-Fauli on March 27 also instituted a curfew from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m., according to WLRN. Miami-Dade County has restrictions here as well. Parks were reopened for some use on April 28.
Coral Springs: Stay-at-home order, face mask
The city has ordered residents to stay-at-home within the boundaries of their property. Permissible exceptions include essential travel to work and personal support activities. Social distancing is also required. The city also has a face mask requirement when in public or in employee areas, with small children excluded.
Dania Beach: Stay-at-home order, face mask requirement
The Broward city has a stay-at-home order in effect as of March 24 urging residents to remain at home. The city on April 10 issued a face covering requirement as well.
Davie: Parks re-opening, face masks remain
The city will re-open 15 parks to limited use, but still require face masks and social distancing, the Miami Herald reports.
Deerfield Beach: Safer-at-home
The Broward municipality has a local order in place only allowing essential businesses and travel to and from those places, in place until a state of emergency in the city expires.The city has a face covering rule in place.
Delray Beach: Stay-at-home order, curfew
Delray Beach on Monday will become the first Palm Beach County with a stay-at-home order in effect, according to The Palm Beach Post. The city will also enforce a midnight to 6 a.m. curfew. The order requires residents to stay-at-home or on their property except to travel to supermarkets and essential businesses such as health care providers.
Doral: Stay-at-home order, face mask requirement
Mayor J.C. Bermudez released a video announcement that all residents were ordered to stay-at-home. Exceptions to the order can be found on the city website. Miami-Dade also has a stay-at-home order in effect. A face mask requirement was put in place April 10.
Florida City: Face mask requirement
The city never put a local lockdown in place but an emergency order on April 9 was issued requiring face masks in public.
Fort Lauderdale: Phase One reopening, gyms opened, closed and re-opened
Mayor Dean Trantalis has a Phase One plan for re-opening in place in the city. The city moved to reopen gyms in defiance of county restrictions, the Miami Herald reports. But the decision was quickly reversed. The Broward County metropolis previously ordered residents to stay on their property but still allowed outdoor activity. Those restrictions lifted Tuesday, including the gym restrictions. Allowances are included for essential business and activity. There’s also a face mask requirement in place.
Fort Myers Beach: Hotel restrictions lifting
A local restriction on lodging lifted on May 15. The beaches recently reopened fully to the public, and not just town residents.
Gainesville: Stay-at-home order
Gainesville has mirrored an order similar to Alachua County, which ordered all nonessential businesses to close and residents to stay-at-home. That went into effect March 24.
Golden Beach: Stay-at-home order, face masks
The Miami-Dade city has a stay-at-home order that went into effect March 24. The city of April 10 issued a face mask order.
Hallandale Beach: Business closures
The city voted to close all nonessential businesses in the city, according to the Sun-Sentinel.
Hillsboro Beach: Shelter-in-place
The South Florida jurisdiction has a shelter in place order in place since March 27.
Hollywood: Face mask requirements, Cafe zone
The city on April 8 issued a facial covering order for those out in public. Officials have released guidelines on the reopening of recreational facilities. Starting March 28, residents will be required to stay-at-home except for essential activities or face fines of $1,000 or 60 days in jail. Repeat offenders of the order can see fines progress to $5,000. The ordinance remains in effect until a state of emergency is lifted. The city on May 15 established a cafe zone near the beach and in the city’s community redevelopment area to operate under local guidelines.
Hialeah: Curfew
Mayors of Miami Lakes, Hialeah and Hialeah Gardens on April 13 ordered a 10-day curfew in those jurisdictions, according to 7 News Miami, running 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Hialeah Gardens: Curfew, face masks
The curfew was jointly announced with Hialeah and Miami Lakes. The city also issued a face mask order.
Homestead: Curfew, face mask
The city instituted a curfew, from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., which started March 27. The city also issued rules for face masks.
Jacksonville: Work-from-home order lifting
Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry launched a plan to reopen the area on April 30. On May 4, most local restrictions on lodging and beach hours will be lifted, though a statewide ban on short-term rentals is still in place for the moment. A ban on outdoor dining was lifted on May 7. Beaches have now opened for all uses. Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens opens on May 9. A task force has been put in place to discuss easing local restrictions. Curry previously issued a safer-at-home order that largely mirrored an order implemented in South Florida counties by Gov. Ron DeSantis. The Mayor said the order prohibits individuals from going to nonessential businesses. A work-at-home order Curry previously put in place, and which remains in effect now, stated any business with the ability to have employees work from home must do so, according to Fox 30. That order lifts on May 18, reports First Coast News. That order took originally effect on March 24.
Key Biscayne: Curfew, nonresident travel ban, face masks
The city in Miami-Dade County has issued a curfew from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., on top of a countywide stay-at-home order, according to WLRN. The has also declared no nonresidents can travel onto the key, something police originally tried to enforce through roadblock but which now is enforced only through signs. This is on top of a Miami stay-at-home order. Masks are also now required in essential businesses.
Key West: Face mask requirements
Anyone in businesses essential or non-essential must wear face coverings in the city, per a local emergency order. Businesses opening on or after May 4 must follow sanitation guidelines and train employees on CDC recommendations for working during the pandemic.
Lakeland: stay-at-home order in the works
Mayor Bill Mutz called a special meeting for March 30 to discuss a stay-at-home order in the city, along with the closure of all nonessential businesses, according to WFLA.
Lauderdale-by-the-Sea: safer-at-home order
A safer-at-home order went into effect March 28, authorizing law enforcement from the Broward County Sheriff’s Office to issue violators notices to appear in court.
Lauderdale Lakes: Safer-at-home order
The city issued an order on March 27 and has since closed all fitness centers.
Miami: Stay-at-home order
Mayor Francis Suarez announced a stay-at-home order that went into effect March 24 and lasts until further notice. It allows limited travel in the city to grocery stores, pharmacies and essential work activity. Travel to provide essential services at homes is also allowed. The City Fire Rescue Department has started testing those 65 and older showing symptoms in their homes. County restrictions are also in effect.
Miami Beach: safer-at-home order, curfew
The city just rolled back a curfew from 13:30 a.m. to 6 a.m. every day, the Miami Herald reports. Miami Beach previously instituted a since expired safer-at-home order through May 7, reported NBC 6 South Florida, and instituted a revised order was instituted as of May 8. The city at one point had a curfew in effect from midnight to 5 a.m. The order required all persons living in the city to remain in their homes to the maximum extent possible, except to engage in essential activities. The former order prohibited all public and private gatherings of any number of people occurring outside a residence.
Miami Gardens: Curfew
Police are enforcing a curfew in the city stretching from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., according to WLRN. Gatherings of 10 or more are restricted and guests are urged to stay inside most of the day. That’s on top of county requirements.
Miami Lakes: Curfew
Mayors of Miami Lakes, Hialeah and Hialeah Gardens on April 13 ordered a 10-day curfew in those jurisdictions, according to 7 News Miami, running 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. The city also has a nose and face covering rule in place in restaurants, groceries, pharmacies and gas stations..
Miramar: Stay-at-home order, face masks.
A stay-at-home order signed by City Manager went into effect on March 28 and restricted residents to their property except for essential activities. That includes restricting the use of public streets and canals. The order extends until Broward County lifts its state of emergency order. The city has a face covering in place as well.
Naples: Beaches reopened
The Naples Pier and all city beaches closed beginning March 21, but has since reopened them.
Niceville: Park closures
The Okaloosa city has closed most park venues but has started to reopen some of them with access, including Turkey Creek Park, the Northwest Daily News reports.
Oakland Park: Safer-at-home order
Mayor Matthew Sparks signed an order effective Saturday that includes screening and cleaning protocols for essential businesses allowed to stay open. The city on APril 7 put a face mask rule in place.
Orlando: County stay-at-home order
Mayor Buddy Dyer was present when Orange County announced its stay-at-home order, which covers the city.
Palm Beach: Curfew
The town amended its curfew, which now runs from from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. each day, according The Palm Beach Post; it previously began at 9 p.m. The shift came after Gov. DeSantis allows Palm Beach County and local jurisdictions there to reopen Phase One non-essential businesses previously impacted by the statewide stay-at-home order. The curfew was initially put in place on March 16. The council meets May 15 to discuss reopening beaches.
Palm Coast
Mayor Milissa Holland signed an emergency stay-home order in effect starting March 22 and lasting 30 days, according to News4Jax. The order instructs residents to stay home except when getting vital supplies. The municipality has been reopening park facilities and preparing for summer camps, the Daytona Beach News-Journal reports.
Panama City: Government facility
The Panama City Chamber of Commerce reports all sandy beaches within the city are closed, and all public gathering spaces are closed through May 1.
Parkland: Shelter in place
The Broward city instituted one of the strictest orders in Florida, which includes guidelines for essential businesses that include providing disinfectant wipes for workers and waiting room guidelines. The provisions requiring most residents to shelter in place and prohibit gatherings except for family members, caretakers and household members — and then restrict crowds to 10 or less. The order went into effect on March 25.
Pembroke Park: Safer-at-home order
The municipality put its own shelter order limiting to essential business only in place on April 1.
Pembroke Pines: Stay-at-home order
The city has a stay-at-home order in place similar to others in Broward County. It became effective on March 28.
Pensacola: Facility closures
Parks, beaches and recreational areas have been closed, but Mayor Grover Robinson has installed a Recover Pensacola advisory board to advise phasing in facility use. Robinson said the plan will now launch May 4 in sync with the Governor’s reopening plan, the Pensacola News Journal reports.
Plantation: Safer-at-home order, face masks
The order went into place on March 26 and tells residents to shelter in place except for personal support activities, outdoor activities, religious services and essential business. The Mayor on April 8 also ordered face masks in public.
Pompano Beach: Recovery order, restaurant
Mayor Rex Hardin issued a recovery proclamation on May 19 moving out of shelter status, moving the city into Phase One. The city has set up temporary regulations for outdoor dining. An original stay-at-home order required residents to stay-at-home except to go to essential businesses or for essential activities. It went into effect on March 28. A cloth mask rule is in place, but the city is starting to open parks.
Punta Gorda: Stay-at-home directive
Punta Gorda City Manager Howard Kunik on Sunday issued a safer-at-home directive urging residents to limit travel and personal interactions to a defined list of essential work and activities. Officials previously closed all county government buildings, playgrounds, dog parks, sports courts and park amenities. He issued a joint statement with Charlotte County Administrator Hector Flores on the matter.
Saint Augustine: Social distancing, government closures
The city of Saint Augustine has extended through May 8 government closures like City Hall and cancellation of any events with 10 or more people. But the municipality said it will continue to follow Gov. Ron DeSantis’ lead and adhere to restrictions he’s recommending statewide, according to The St. Augustine Record.
Saint Petersburg: Face mask requirements
Mayor Rick Kriseman announced face mask requirements for all businesses where employees have contact with the general public, the Associated Press reports. Kriseman previously hinted at putting stronger regulations in place in the city limits than existed at the state or local level. He ultimately worked with regional leaders when Pinellas County Commissioners approved a safer-at-home order that does cover the city.
Sanibel: Hotel restrictions lifting, travel restrictions remain
The town voted against a local stay-at-home order but has banned hotels on the island. But that restriction on hospital will lift beginning on May 15, reports NBC-2. But the municipality still will restrict visitors from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Louisiana and from Miami-Dade or Broward counties.
Sarasota: Government closures
Government facilities have been closed in the city, including the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall, until the end of a state of emergency order expires; that order was extended through at least May 1. The city will also keep Lido Beach closed even after county beached reopen. Tennis courts will open May 15, but other recreational courts will stay closed, the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports.
Satellite Beach: Restaurant and retail guidelines
The municipality issued its own set of local guidelines regarding the use of outdoor seating under covered parking, requirements of staff wearing face masks and gloves, and other issues related to the reopening of Florida as of May 4.
Sebring: Parks reopened
Sebring officials officially reopened parks in the county as of May 1.
Sunny Isles Beach: Stay-at-home order
Residents have been ordered to stay-at-home except for essential activities, according to WLRN. This is on top of a Miami-Dade County order.
Surfside: Safer-at-home order, business closures
Mayor Charles W. Burkett issued an order urging residents to stay home unless they needed to conduct essential activities such as work. The order, in effect March 24, encouraged those who could work at home to do so. Beaches, park facilities, town buildings and nonessential businesses have been ordered closed.
Sweetwater: Curfew
The city announced a mandatory curfew in effect from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m., according to WLRN. The Miami-Dade stay-at-home order also applies.
Tallahassee: The city is covered by a Leon County stay-at-home order.
Tampa: The city is covered by a Hillsborough County safer-at-home order.
West Palm Beach: Stay-at-home order in the works
The city has not moved forward with stay-at-home order, but is looking at the need, reports WFLX. Mayor Keith James said as long as Palm Beach County has no order, it makes little sense for the city to issue one but the need continues to be assessed.
Weston: Safer-at-home order
City Manager Donald Decker‘s order, in effect since March 26, can be enforced with a $1,000 fine on the first offense or 60 days in jail, according to WLRN.
Wilton Manors: safer-at-home, not stuck at home order
In effect as of March 28, the order restricts all nonessential activities but stresses residents can obtain assistance from law enforcement and still support local restaurants by using takeout, delivery, or drive-through service.
Reopening Phases
Florida on June 5 enters Phase Two.
Email [email protected] if you know of local orders not reflected on this list. DeSantis’ previous statewide order is below.
Shay Brannen
March 25, 2020 at 9:49 am
Nothing about BREVARD county
March 25, 2020 at 10:17 am
Thank you Florida Politics, this is very enlightening. and appreciated. I unfortunately chose to retire in Manatee County, which seems to have no local government, just some Republicans who approve every development project.
March 28, 2020 at 8:44 am
development is the way of the world should have chosen to move into a very rural area in the panhandle that still has no development. Do your research.
Spencer Sullivan
May 29, 2020 at 9:55 pm
If you don’t like where you are, move buttercup.
March 25, 2020 at 10:14 am
Please list cases by county.
March 25, 2020 at 11:49 am
Well you can always move
Palmer Tom
March 25, 2020 at 12:23 pm
Polk County and Lakeland has closed its parks system.
March 25, 2020 at 12:45 pm
Stay at home but hardware and grocery stores are open? How does that work?
March 25, 2020 at 2:30 pm
It would be great if you dated this page for the last time it was updated.
thank you.
March 26, 2020 at 12:19 am
Ꮐood way of describing, and good post to obtain information on the topic оf my presentation topic, which
i am going to convey in sсhool. https://www.viki.com/users/binass01di_824/about
March 26, 2020 at 3:59 pm
Where’s opa-locka
March 26, 2020 at 11:40 pm
St. John’s ???
March 27, 2020 at 12:30 pm
Flagler County?
Lori Whitford
March 28, 2020 at 8:52 am
What is wrong with this state, if some have a stay at home order, than the whole state should be stay at home. The two week stay at home with no one coming in will slow this virus down tremendously!
Lori Whitford
March 28, 2020 at 8:55 am
I stayed at home for a week but my boss is expecting me to be at work on Monday. Cleaning, Laundry and grocery shopping How does this help!?
John Kociuba
March 29, 2020 at 1:03 pm
Dear Floridians ~
Re: Constitutional Law
Congress hasn’t declared war. There is no invasion. No Unlawful insurrection!
Check points entering the State to check for infections and quarantine is Constitutional.
John Hopkins University is the only website tracking COVID 19 since its inception “Search engine COVID 19 tracker!”
600,000 global cases out of 7.8 billion people. 60,000 U.S. cases out of 330 million Americans. 3,000 Florida cases out of 21.3 million Floridians.
April 2, 2020 at 10:15 am
I agree
Alicia Raulerson
March 29, 2020 at 5:00 pm
You spelled SUWANNEE county wrong 😩
March 30, 2020 at 1:02 pm
This is NOT enough! A lot of counties are only closing beaches or government offices. Every county needs to have a stay at home order to prevent the spread of this virus!!
April 1, 2020 at 2:56 pm
April 1, 2020 at 4:43 pm
These also don’t address how homless or those sleeping in their cars are to proceed
April 3, 2020 at 2:22 am
Republicans need to rethink letting churches meet because trump told Destais he needed his base voters happy,but this is crazy the virus will spread to person to person
April 16, 2020 at 6:15 pm
Does anyone know if FLAPOL removes the comments section of older articles? I noticed that the article about Florida’s horrible unemployment process which had over 100 comments is gone. It was only written about a week ago. I don’t understand- there were helpful comments among the rants. And everyone needs to see it.
Joanne C.Walczak
May 13, 2020 at 10:05 am
Gulf Breeze,Fla.Santa Rosa county nor Pensacola Fla.Escambia county, I did not see listed,Maybe I missed those 2.NW Florida counties.Panhandle area.
May 16, 2020 at 9:12 pm
All the information in this article is from March, where’s a copy of the official order ending the stay at home? I’ve seen where some commerce is allowed to open along with some business’s and beaches so people can get haircuts, sunburns and drunk but nothing saying it’s ok to scatter to the wind spreading (thus spreading the virus everywhere causing round 2 of lock down).
May 18, 2020 at 11:24 pm
Many Americans protesting across the country firmly believe the Democrats would be more than willing to completely destroy the economy if it meant getting rid of President Trump. They’ve tried everything else. American citizens aren’t willing to sacrifice their homes, careers, jobs and businesses, 401K for another leftist attempt to remove a President.
Democrat Platform & Goals:
(Democrat Taxpayers pay close attention, you’ll pay too)
-End all deportations of illegal aliens, if you get here, you stay. Bernie’s website calls it a “moratorium” on deportations.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Citizenship for 20 to 50 million illegal aliens, DACA & TPS recipients with a cost of billions. Democrats Yes. Republicans No.
-De-fund & terminate border patrol & ICE.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Free Health Care for Illegal aliens, DACA, TPS recipients (taxpayer funded with one estimate at 52 trillion)
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Ending of all private / employer based health care. “Medicare for all”, Feds run everything.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Illegal Aliens eligible for welfare & food stamps. (Elizabeth Warrens plan adopted) Democrats Yes.
Republicans No
-Free college for all, including illegal aliens (taxpayer funded estimates in the billions. If you vote Democrat, don’t expect to put Junior in college…..BUT you will finance the education of illegal aliens. Democrats Yes. Republicans No.
-Decriminalization of illegal entry into our country.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Sanctuary Cities & States.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Open Borders.
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Massive tax increases. All Democrat candidates have committed to tax increases of various amounts.
Democrats Yes tax increases.
Republicans No tax increases.
-Reparations for race’s harmed by Caucasians. Joe committed this to “Reverend” Al Sharpton, support for Sheila Jackson Lee’s racist reparations bill in the House. Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Drivers licenses for illegal aliens.(already happening in states with Democrat leadership) Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-Opposed to ANY voter ID Laws.(Nancy Pelosi wanted this amendment in the first corona virus bill) I wonder why?
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
-AOC’s green new deal.(which would create massive unemployment, 100,000 jobs estimated in the transportation industry alone.)
Democrats Yes.
Republicans No.
There is no moderate wing of the Democrat party people. If you vote for Joe Biden, you are voting for Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren’s platform.. Joe will follow the radical left’s agenda or Joe won’t get the support and he is…. of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Valerie Jarrett,. Rashida Talib, Stacy Abrams, Ayanna Pressley, Nancy Pelosi, Sheila Jackson Lee, Tom Perez, Maxine Waters, Al Green, and llhan Omar. This is the core of the socialists leftist wing of the Democrat party and they are firmly in charge.. Most or all have already endorsed Joe Biden, so he obviously has committed to their agenda.
Spencer Sullivan
May 29, 2020 at 10:16 pm
What I, and I hope many other, want to know id WHEN will the government politicians run out of excuses for an emergency and a firm hold on our lives? I understand that politicians get into office so that they can command power and influence. Well, they have it and We The People gave it to them willingly under the duress of an infectious disease and fear-mongering of the media.
If you want to draw readers and ratings, discuss and report on, “When will the fake “emergency” end and our government GET OUT OF THE WAY of our economy?”
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